Plane Conversations

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"Why are we even on this infernal contraption?" Loki fumed in the seat next to you. "I could transport us anywhere in a snap with my magic."

You chuckled, looking up from the book in your lap. "I think this will be a good experience for you." It was a tiny lie. Since you'd become friends with the trickster, your goal was to see exactly how he would react to modern technology that he'd never seen before. True, it was mainly for your personal entertainment, but he also needed to learn how to blend in after the events in New York.

The raven-haired god sighed loudly, crossing his arms over his chest. "I believe you only enjoy my reactions."

You nodded, patting his leg. "Exactly."

Loki opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the flight attendant speaking over the intercom system. "Please direct your attention to the front of the cabin for safety demonstrations."

Chuckling at Loki's eye roll, you watched the nearest flight attendant perform a visual demonstration of safety precautions and procedures as the other spoke over the speakers. "Pay no heed to her warnings. If this fickle invention should fail, I will transport both of us to safety," Loki murmured, twining his fingers through yours.

You squeezed his hand. "I know. I hope you would find a way to save everyone, though."

"You forget I am not Thor. You and only you would be my priority."

You sighed, turning your attention back to the book. You knew he would save all of the plane's occupants if something did happen; he just wouldn't admit it. Loki was not as heartless as most people believed. The side he'd shown to you proved otherwise. After becoming friends (through Tony, actually), you and Loki soon realized there was more than just a spark of friendship present. This fact became even more evident when Tony and Clint tricked the two of you into standing beneath mistletoe the previous Christmas.

"There. Perfect." Clint gave you a thumbs up from the other side of the room. "Now stay right there." He hurried away, a certain skip to his step.

You shook your head, racking your brain as to why Clint would need you to stand in this exact spot.

"This way, buddy. I've got something to show you." Tony's ever-mischievous voice boomed, making you turn around. The billionaire walked beside Loki, the latter not looking amused in the slightest. "Now go and stand beside (y/n)."

The god of mischief raised an eyebrow at you as he grudgingly obeyed Tony. Shrugging, you crossed your arms over your chest. "What the heck is going on, Stark?" You asked, trying not to react to Loki's closeness.

Tony's mouth twitched, his dark eyes twinkling. "Oh nothing. Just putting something into motion that should've happened months ago." He used his index finger to point to the ceiling, eyebrows waggling.

You looked up, heart racing when you saw that both of you were standing directly beneath mistletoe. "Oh no," you said, cheeks burning.

"Oh yes," Tony replied.

Loki furrowed his brows. "What is the significance of this small plant above us?"

Tony chuckled. "That, Reindeer Games, is mistletoe. Here on Earth, the tradition is that if you and another person are caught under it, the two of you have to kiss."

You gulped, watching Loki's reaction. You expected green flames to shoot from his eyes. Instead, he pulled you into his chest and smirked. "This is something I should've done months ago." And then his lips were gently pressed against yours, his hands wrapped tightly around your waist.

"I knew it," Tony murmured behind you, the smile evident in his voice.

So yeah. That was how the two of you had come to terms with your feelings. As annoying as Tony's and Clint's antics were sometimes, you were honestly grateful for them on that occasion. You chuckled to yourself, leaning your head against Loki's shoulder as the plane began to take off.

"What are you chuckling about? This taking off experience is not pleasant in the slightest," Loki groaned, hands gripping the armrests.

You smiled, sitting upright again. "I was just thinking about the mistletoe prank..." you trailed off, taking Loki's hand in yours once more. You traced patterns on the top of his knuckles, attempting to slow his heart rate. "Do you remember that night?"

Loki's body noticeably relaxed, a large sigh escaping his lips. "Yes..." he trailed off, stroking your hand with his thumb. "Yes I do." He looked down at you, those emerald irises piercing your soul. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly, one of his rare smiles appearing. "For once I can honestly say that I am thankful for Barton and Stark."

"I was just thinking the same thing." Closing the book in your lap, you focused on the scene outside of the airplane's window. The city below grew smaller and smaller, the clouds becoming thicker as the plane climbed in altitude. "Isn't it beautiful?" You asked, leaning your head against his arm as you continued to admire the view.

The infamous god of mischief hummed in response. "I must admit there is a certain beauty to it."

You chuckled. "And this is where you could say something along the lines of 'But not quite as beautiful as you.'"

Loki snorted. "As if I could be so predictable."

Smiling, you closed your eyes. "Of course not, Loki." You nuzzled deeper into his arm, cursing the armrest between your bodies. "Will you wake me when we're about to land?"

There was a sigh and then you felt his cool lips on your forehead. "Yes, my darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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