Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of a door opening. I look over at the door to see Ratchet standing there, his mouth wide open as he looked at me in shock. I was confused at first but soon understood. Optimus' arm was around my waist, keeping me from moving. I smile softly as I gently move his arm and stand up.

I go over to Ratchet and motion for him to leave, which he did so, me following, taking a final glance back at Optimus' sleeping form.

I close the door and Ratchet immediately starts bugging me with questions.

"Okay, what happened? Something obviously happened last night, otherwise you wouldn't be in his room...", his optics widen with realization. "Did you guys bond?"

I smile softly before leading Ratchet to my room, where our conversation could be a little more private.

"Yes, we bonded. That happened when we were out last night however. When I came back with Arcee, he was having a nightmare. I comforted him enough to get him to wake up and tell me that is was not just a dream, it was a memory. His memory of the day I died. I comforted him some more and he asked me to sing my song. I did so and was about to leave when he asked me to stay. So I did", I say.

Ratchet blinks before he grins. "So my little sis has a sparkmate now, huh?"

I groan at his teasing tone of voice and was about to leave when he caught my attention.

"Arcee would like to talk to you", he says, solemnly. I nod once before going to the main room, where I found Arcee standing to the side. She saw me come in and she looked away. I smile softly before going over to her.

"Arcee", I say, my voice quiet yet powerful. She sighs before looking up at me about to say something. I cut her off though. "I forgive you."

She looks surprised and I chuckle before going serious. "You weren't in control of yourself. You had a mind-controlling parasite on you."

She sighs softly before speaking. "And yet, it made me speak truth. I have liked Optimus for a long time and I once thought he could be the one for me. But as time wore on, I could see that he was still attached to a femme. And then you came along in your human form. All of us bots could see that Optimus was attracted to you, though none of us knew why. It made me angry but I hid it well, seeing as none of you picked up on it. And then... then Wheeljack came along... I refuse to admit it and tried to avoid him as best as possible, to the best of my abilities at least, but my spark pulls to him. And I don't even know why!" She was quiet but I could see the pain in her optics.

"He's most compatible with you that's why. When he comes back, try getting to know him a little. And maybe, when he comes back, I'll try to see if his spark pulls to you", I say with a smile. She looks up at me, hope in her optics.

"You will?" She asks happily. I smile before resting my hand on her shoulder.

"Anything for a teammate", I say. She smiles before her optics dim again.

"What about Cliffjumper?" I could see her sadness.

"You would want you to move on, you know that. And even if you liked each other back then, doesn't mean that this is now. Did your spark pull to Cliffjumper like it does to Wheeljack?" I smile as she thinks about.

"No... but, Cliff... would want me to move on. He would want me to go to my sparkmate. We may have liked each other but we weren't sparkmates. Thanks, Venus", she says.

"No problem, Arcee", I say before remembering something. "If you don't mind me asking... what all do you remember from last night?"

She sighs. "Everything", she says before realizing something. "This has to do with you and Optimus doesn't it."

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