03 (2); Recollection

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"... Just because of me, you're gonna go without any friends or companions? Do you know how hard that is??"

"Alright Sohye-ah, alright. Anyways, my point is I won't spread anything. Y'know?"

"Al- ... Alright."


I told Sejeong unnie everything.
Why I can't bring myself to trust someone, even if I so dearly want to.
Why I'm always down.
Even why my appetite's dropped significantly.
I told her everything.

Did I make a mistake?

Will I regret this?

What happens if she tells others?

What'll I do then?


She wouldn't tell others...
Would she?

~flashback: 20 minutes ago~

"I'm listening, Sohye-ah. Don't worry, just go ahead."

"... How do I start?"

"Mm, why don't you start by telling unnie what exactly happened after we parted ways on January 22nd, 2017?"

"Oh-okay..." I take a long, deep breath and continue talking.
"So... um..."

"It's alright. Take your time. As much time as you need."

I take another breath, and momentarily close my eyes.

1 year ago...

February 22nd, 2017:
1 Month after I.O.I's Disbandment

"Hah... Now what should I do?" I ask myself aloud, scrubbing down a table at my mom's café.

~ding ding~

"Welcome," I call out by habit, not even sparing a glance towards the door.


"Um- excuse me... Could we get seated, please?"

I turn around, internally sighing.

I fast-walk over to the people who called me over.

Four boys- they all look around 20.

They follow me over to a secluded booth beside a window.

"Here you are." I say, setting down four menus.

I turn to leave, when one of the boys roughly grabs my shoulder and spins me around.
"Excuse me. We don't like window seats."

I stare at him in awe and disbelief.
"Excuse you, there's such thing as manners. And don't touch me." I retort, pushing his hand off me.

His eyes flare, but one of his friends stop him before things get ugly and pushes him into the booth.

"Sorry about that..." He says sheepishly, bowing at me. "He hasn't been having the best day of his life."

"Well, tell him not to take it out on other people." I grumble, walking back to the counter.

I sigh, washing the dishes from previous customers. Why'd my mom have to go run some errand today, of all days. Just my luck.

Just one year ago I was on Produce 101, absolutely failing, and staying up night after night practicing. And then I became a member of I.O.I... Probably the best thing that could've ever happened to me. Nayoung unnie... Sejeong unnie... Chungha unnie... Chaeyeon unnie... Doyeon... Yeonjung... Kyulkyung... Mina~san... Yoojung-ie... Our maknae-on-top Somi...

I miss them.

I'm woken from my daydreaming by the ringing of a table bell.

"Excuse me!"

I grab a notepad and pen and head over to the table that rung.

"What would you like to order?" I ask, gritting my teeth and forcing a smile.

"I'll get the- wait..." One of the boys says, peering closer at my face.
He stares at me for a full 5 seconds, rubs his eyes, and stares again.

"... Excuse me?" I ask, moving out of his gaze.

"Y-yo... Bro... Isn't she Sohye of I.O.I??"

The guy who grabbed my shoulder and the guy who stopped him both glance up to get a better look. However, the fourth guy doesn't bother looking up from his phone.

"Seriously? You just realized that?" He sighs while texting someone.

"I dunno, I don't look at waitress's faces! How would I know??"

I sigh again, this time out loud.
"Yes, I am Kim Sohye from Produce 101 and I.O.I. However, we disbanded last month as our contract ended. So I'd prefer it if you did not mention I.O.I. Now, where you going to order something or not?"

The three, minus the one on his phone, all glance at one another and share a look.

"Yeah. We'll get 2 iced coffees, 2 iced teas, 4 sausage buns, and your number."


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