Chapter 10

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"What the hell do you mean that I'm not going to be safe?"

"You cant be around me Natalie" he said

"Well if you didn't like me then why did you lead me on, thinking that we could have something more to this relationship?" I said with tears in my eyes.

I couldn't cry in front of him. He will know that I'm weak and hurt me more.

"I just cant do this Natalie, no mater how much i want to. I have to stop my self from having feelings for you. because I care about you." He said looking hurt

I couldn't even look at him, i just looked at the floor. He left and closed the door shut behind him.

And thats when I shut myself off.


I couldn't sleep all night again, because of the thing that happened with Dean.

The last guy I went out with was Rick.

He use to be such a douche bag. He cheated on me, and thats why I have trust issues.

Trust has to be earned.

Everyone thinks that him cheating on me was the reason we broke up.

He did cheat on me but he did also other things.

He use to hit me, call me names, and pull my hair.

He would always take his anger out on me.

He's not even in jail, and I heard from Molly that he's back in town.

I know that he wants me back, but I cant take it. I had to take some therapy because of him.

He made me feel like the most amazing girl in the world. He wanted me to know that he was the only one i needed in my life.

With the verbal and physical abuse, on top of that he cheated on me.

He said that he loves me. we have been through a lot, but I would never take him back. I cant be with someone who is always wanting to hurt me.

Two years ago was when we broke up. He moved to another city but he now got a job in my town.

He probably is going to give the "I've changed" speech.

And will hit me if I say no.

What a dickhead.

With these thoughts in my mind I forgot that I had work.

I showered quickly. Blow dried my hair and left it wavy.

I put on a beaded headband with my skirt and collar polo button down shirt.

I put on my skin tights and slipped my black heels.

I put on concealer and powder. I also applied mascara for that eye popping look.

By ass looked good in this skirt, and today was the day that I was going to start fresh.

I unbuttoned another button of my shirt.

I took my files and put them in my car and drove off to work.

I picked up some coffee and drank it on the way. I reapplied a thin coat of lipgloss and went inside.

The "crime scene" tape was still there from yesterday.

But I saw more people, and they found another body.

OMG. It was Sarah. She is dead also.

My legs were shaking in shock. A shiver went up and down my spine and my eyes were full of tears. I had to hold them back and stay strong for the staff.

I walked over to staff to see them talk about her.

She was working a night shift and she was also stabbed. How cruel are people?

This is just disgusting.

Everyone was crying as they took her body and put it on a gurney.

I reminded myself that 24 hours ago that was my boss, now its her.

Who's next? i thought. what if its me? The police think its the same killer but are waiting for the FBI to confirm.

I wonder if its like a list or something.

Twenty minutes later the FBI had arrived.

I saw Dean and he just looked at me, then looked away and walked to the sheriff.

Great. Now he is ignoring me.

I still cant believe Sarah died. Our manager last year died from also being stabbed. It suddenly feels like last year now. But more people are dying now.

Is someone else going to die. Who even is in charge?

The bank was closed for the rest of the day for investigation. The sheriff wanted to question us and the FBI.

Did they really think that it was one of us?

I tried to start new and fresh today. But dean is everywhere I go. I really want to punch him in the face for making me fall for him.

I just wanted to leave, so I was walking towards the door. Everyone was silent watching me walk.

I ignored everyone, and kept on walking forward with my head held high.

When I got to the door, there was a man with a beanie, black clothes and shoes on.

He grabbed me, dragged me inside to where the bank was and put a gun on my head.

"Give me all of the money, or she dies"



IG @becauseofteenwolf & @spn.things


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