Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sun shining through the blinds and the sound of water from a shower patting against the shower walls in my dad's room next door. I pull the covers off and drowsily walk to my door to open it.

The kitchen is right next to my room, which is helpful because I don't have to walk far to get my breakfast. I walk through the entryway and over to the fridge. I open it and grab the leftover pizza from last night. I'm too lazy to warm it up, so I just eat it cold. My dad comes through the entryway already in his police uniform. He walks over to the fridge and also grabs a slice of pizza. He also eats his pizza cold. Probably because he's in a rush.

"You glad it's late-start, Lila?" he asks, grabbing his jacket off the coat rack.

I nod in reply, too tired to respond.

He grabs his keys off the kitchen counter and puts on his hat.

"Have a great day, honey," he calls, as he walks out the door.

As I finish my breakfast I hear the roar of the truck's engine as he backs out of the driveway. School starts in about twenty minutes, so I have time to get ready.

I go back to my room and pick out a cute outfit. I also grab my cheer uniform out of the back of my closet and put it in my cheer bag. I quickly change and put on my makeup, being very careful not to mess up. I grab my homework and put it in my binder. Hopefully it's correct. I put everything in my backpack and fling it over my shoulders. I grab my car keys out of the pants I wore yesterday and unplug my phone. I turn it on just to check it, and it says that I have have eighteen new messages from my best friend, Irene. I roll my eyes and ignore them.

I put my phone in my back pocket and make my way to the front door. I open it and walk out into the fresh morning air. I see my car gleaming in the driveway. I close the door, making sure to lock it.

I drop into the driver's seat of my car and start the motor. Just as I'm about to pull out of the driveway, my phone starts buzzing. I take it out of my pocket; Irene is calling me. I groan and click the answer button.

"What is it, Irene?"

"OMG! Guess what?" Irene asks, excited.

"What?" I say, with a monotone voice.

"The school dance is coming up!"

"So?" I ask, with no interest.

"What do you mean 'so'!? It means that Luke is most likely going to ask you!!" she practically screams.

I perk up a little when I hear Luke's name. I look at the time. It's 8:30! I'm going to be late!

"I have to go, Irene, I'm going to be late!" I yell, hanging up before she even says bye.

I haven't even gotten out of the driveway, and the school is almost two miles away. I'm going to be so late. I pull out of the driveway and quickly drive to Hamilton Road. It's a red light! Finally it turns green, and I hit the gas.

My high school is in sight. I hear the second bell ring, which means class is starting. I drive into the parking lot, park my car, grab my backpack, and sprint toward the front doors. I halt to a stop because I forgot to lock the car. I hurry back to lock the car and sprint to the front doors.

Unfortunately, the front doors lead to the front office. Which means the office lady will be there. I try to sneak past her because she is always on her computer. I make it to the door that leads into the main part of the school. I slowly open it, but as I'm opening it, it squeaks loudly.

"Late, are we?" the lady says, eyeing me.

"I'm not late. Everybody else is just early."

"Get to class," she says.

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