Chapter four

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I started packing my clothes and my bunker gear in my duffle bag the guys brought over for me. I got up off the bed and I bent over to grab my water that fell and I notice Brantley was looking at my ass. I turned back around and smiled and walked over to Brantley and whispered in his ear " I saw you, you were looking at my ass". He had the biggest smile ear to ear then he started to laugh. I smiled a turned around to finish packing. When I finished pack my duffle bag. I grabbed my cell phone and flipped it open 40 calls from chief and 60 texts from the guys at the fire station. I started to text the guys back when Brantley interrupted me by giving my a kiss. We kept on kissing for over an hour then it got heated. He picked me up and started kissing down my back. I stopped him and told him that we will finish at your place. He smiled ear to ear. I got off the bed and grabbed some of my clothes from my duffle bag and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later I come back out and Brantley drops his jaw. I giggle and he smiled he motioned to me to sit on his lap for a few minutes. When I got over by him he picked me up and sat me on his lap and started kissing my neck. The nurse walked in with papers and interrupted Brantley kissing my neck. As soon as she walked in he stopped kissing my neck she said" Oh Shiloh before you leave can u sign these papers" she handed me the papers and a pen. As I was writing the information down Brantley watched me write like a eagle. It was kinda creeping me out in a way. I would keep looking back at him and he would look up at me and smile. I got to the last question it wasn't really a question but I need someone else to sign and so I looked at her and she said "don't forget this one" and she pointed to the bottom of the paper. I mumbled under my breath crap then Brantley grabbed the pen from my hand and started signing his name instead of my brothers Luke's or Jason's. I was thinking to my self " well that works too" and I turned around and looked up at him and smiled. I quickly slipped my phone out of my pocket and flipped it up and turned my phone around and made Brantley take a selfie with me. Then he smiled and quickly kissed me and I smile and look at me phone. I got a picture of Brantley kissing me I went to show him and he turned around and smiled at me. He handed the pen and papers back to the nurse and she thanked us for doing the paper work. We had to do it no matter what anyway. The boys started to wake up and they looked confused. And I told them that I was riding to Brantley and were gonna hang out at his house for a little while. The both nodded their heads and we left the room two doctors and one nurse approached us and said thanks for saving are town and all of them gave me a hug. I smiled and told them that's what I do best. The waved goodbye to us and we headed out the hospital doors. Luke and Jason told us to be safe and see you in a little bit. Brantley told me to stay there and I watched him walk to his truck and get in and drive to me. He rolled down the wind and said " hey good looking what's cookin" we both laughed and he jumped out and walked over to the other side and opened the door for me a helped me in the truck. He got in the driver seat and I buckled up while he was driving out of the hospital driveway.

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