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jay |
joey , chad and charles finished and it was time for ariel , mario and wes10 to go up on stage

i gave wes10 and mario a good luck hug and sat down on the sofa we have in the back stage

i was on my phone minding my own business when joey sat down next to me i just kept ignoring him and he started poking my thigh.... gosh joeys touch made me get the chills i looked at him and turned my phone off setting it on my lap and removing his hand from my thigh "what do you want joseph?" he half smiled "why can't you just forgive me?" i sighed "because you really did hurt me" he nodded "can you give me another chance?" i shurged "maybe if you stop being so-" and i got cut off by his lips on mine i smiled and kissed back gosh those lips "ELLIE WHAT THE FUCK" i pushed joey away and saw alex and emma giving joey the death stare while jake was looking at me i got up "im sorry i- i- i couldn't help it" joey stood next to me "honestly its my fault i kissed her" they rolled their eyes and pulled me away from joey but i pulled away "stop if you want me to be happy let me be with him he makes me happy and you guys pulling me away is making me hurt" they sighed "sorry" all said in sync

i turned back and walked with joey back on the couch he smiled at me "so wanna be my girlfriend again?" i smiled and looked at him "is that even a question" we laughed

loren then came and stood in front of me "ellie im so sorry i never meant to be so rude to you i actually wanna be friends with you, please forgive me?" i looked up at her "of course cutie" we giggled and she sat next to me while joey sat on the other side and me in the middle jeez so much as happened and tour barely even started

brothers bestfriend | joeybirlem Where stories live. Discover now