Baby shark, doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo.
Baby shark, doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo.
Baby shark, doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo.
Baby shark.Mama shark, doo doo doo, d
Loyalty can you please Stop singing that song your giving Mama A headache Dinah said Gripping the Car Wheel tightly
Normani chuckled
Oh you find this funny Dinah said chucking
That sounds g is cute I like it Normani said
So did I but then you hear it and hour straight and then tell me how you feel Dinah said getting out of the car
Wait Dinah how about you And loyalty go get wings and pizza for us I'll pay for it mani
Are you sure I can just cook-
Now I'm really sure now go mani said
Fine fine dinah said getting back in the car and driving out
Mani walked in The dorms out her bag down and said
I knew I saw a snake in my Fucking window Normani said
Why the fuck are you taking pictures of my child posting it on your Instagram jade said
Why are you still trying to fuck what's mine Normani said
You can have her I just want the Dick Jade said
Plenty out there hunny go get some Mani said
But I want Dinah's pole jade said knowing it was getting to normani
But normani could play that game to
Go right ahead but tell me what pussy taste like when u suck her off mkay
Fuck you Hamilton
Dinah already is
Jade walked out and slammed the door