Get a good feeling of life

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It's morning and Kongpob is waking down the halls at Sotus. He loves going to this school and he can't wait to become friends with more people and do fun stuff together. He's a little bit late for the freshman gathering and he's walking fast. They have already done this a couple times and he likes it, but he dosen't talk a lot. He's mostly thinking about his studies and how bad his grades are, it's not that he's stupid or anything, he just have a hard time sleeping and that makes him unable to concentrate. He have already tried a lot of things, but the truth is that he's used to sleeping with his brother. And whenever he couldn't sleep he would go to his room and just sleep on the floor or crawl into the bed. You just couldn't do that when you live alone. He's afraid to sleep alone, in some wired way. His brother would always protect him when his dad was angry, Kong know that his dad isn't here, but his body remembers.

Kong used The rest of The Day with Oka. They later on went out to eat and somehow ended up at the same restaurant as some of their seniors, it ended in a little teasing, with Arthit leading the hole thing. He only used Kong's student number. Kong got through the evening with a lot of quick comebacks and charming smiles. As soon as he Got back home, He closed the door behind him he fell down in tears. He knew no one meant anything in a bad way, but it hurt like hell and made him feel horrible.
But at least he got some sleep that night, if crying you self to sleep counts.

"Ugh! Light" Kong complaint "why is the sun so early anyway?" It took him a couple seconds and he sat up stiff. His head turning to his clock, 10:30 am.
. . .
10:30!!! Oh god I'm late, no no no no.
To be honest that was Kong's thoughts the next ten minutes. He got ready and out the door. He got to the school and when things couldn't get worse, BANG! He ran into someone.

"Why the rush 0062"
Arthit... was he surprised? No, the world was always against him.
"Sorry, Arthit, didn't see you, to short"
"Very funny 0062" Arthit said "why aren't you in class?"
"Just leave me"
"Well I care and you don't look so good, you look tired"
"Just leave me alone, Okay?" Kong's voice was rough and annoyed.
Arthit lifted his head slightly, almost looking down at Kongpob. That was someting Kongpob hated, someone looking down on him, like his dad dose.

"Fine" and he left.
Why did he have to be so annoying? Can't Arthit just leave him alone?

This was not the first time Arthit got in his way, and Kongpob was always in the worst mood and super tired.


Later than night Kong sat alone in his room on his bed, sleeping? of course not. Again all his thoughts is flying around in his head and he can't seem to calm them down. They have their own life and nothing can stoop them. He kinda want's someone that will listen to him or at least help him, but he don't have anyone he's THAT close with and he is completely sure that no-one is willing to listen.. so what can he do'? He can sit and stare at the wall or he could go for a run, also one of the reason he's so fit. Whenever he can't sleep he runs. As much as he can. For him it's like an activity and it keeps him going. Again and again, until it's almost impossible for him to move his leges. On the worst nights the rain is pouring down, cuz when you fall down on the ground tired and exhausted, the soaking wet ground dosen't help a lot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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