Chapter 7 - I was wearing stripy underwear

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wooo this just reached humour #810 :DDDD. Scratch that, it just reached humour #573 and romance #813!!!

CHAPTER 7 - I was wearing stripy underwear

We continued to play twenty questions as the traffic zoomed past us. Our radar was yet to pick up any speeders though.

"This is your fifteenth question, only 5 left, think carefully," I joked as I put the pressure on Kailee. So far the questions had been extremely mundane. I had learnt that she had one brother, that she grew up in Brighton, and that she loved to ski. The rest of the questions had been silly ones like the name one. However, I had actually enjoyed the time 'trapped' in the car with her a lot more than expected. Well, I hadn't actually expected to enjoy it at all.

"What was your last partner called?" She asked. She was testing the water. Trying to see how I would react. I had known questions like this would be coming but I was still shocked. I had been hoping that maybe she didn't have an ulterior motive for playing the game, maybe she did just want to have fun.

"Gus." My voice came out hard. "But you already knew that?" I wanted to catch her out.

She just shrugged. "Just checking," and she left my answer like that. Maybe that would be the worst of it.

"What is your most embarrassing moment?" I asked trying to rebuild the fun atmosphere that had so quickly disappeared.

Kailee instantly blushed red as she took in my question. A smile slipped onto my lips as how adorable she looked. "Um," she started. "Pass," she finally said.

"Ah come on! It can't be that bad," I encouraged. I really wanted to know now.

"Nope," she shrugged.

"Please," I pleaded with her.

"Fine," she gave in. That was easier than I expected. "But you can't tell anyone."

"Ok, I promise," I replied instantly.

"Not even Angus," she checked.

"Not even Angus," I agreed.

"You're going to laugh," she pouted. My eyes dropped down to her pink lips.

"That's the point of embarrassing stories," I chuckled.

"Ok," she sighed. "So it was in my last year of school and there was this guy. I had liked him for a couple of months so when the end of school dance came up I decided to make my move and ask him." Kailee turned more red as she continued talking. "So I finally got up the courage. I had just been to the toilet when I spotted him in the corridor so I asked if I could speak with him. I led him outside and as soon as I turned around I heard him burst out laughing." I couldn't help but frown at this guys reaction, he sounded like a douche.

"Anyway, I ignored it and we went outside where I asked him to the dance. He just laughed and said he wouldn't go to the dance with someone who walks around with their skirt tucked into their pants," Kailee finished, now crimson red.

"Well he sounds like a bigger dick than that of a whale's," I responded. He could have been nice about it but he decided to make fun of her. Kailee fought back a laugh.

"Yeah. He called me stripes for the rest of the year," Kailee blushed.

"Why stripes?"

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