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I woke up to sun shining through the hotel window, sun-rays hitting my face. A smile spread on my face seeing such a nice morning. I stretched only to yelp. when something touched my arm, and quickly pull my hands back to myself. My hands came in contact with something...or someone. I looked to the mop of curls on the pillow beside me... Mr.Styles was sleeping next to me. Slowly, the events from yesterday crossed my mind... Oh my god.

Harry woke up groggily, his hair a mess. He looked so dreamy even with bed hair..

"Morning princess." He said. Oh my fucking god, his morning voice was deep and so sexy.

He smiled up at me wrapping an arm around my waist and puling me closer too him.

"Morning." I answered but my answer was so quiet it probably sounded like I was whispering. Thank god my back was turned to him. If he would see the creasing expression on my face, he would think I'm either disgusted with him or I'm the crazy cat lady, down the street.

"We should get up, the charity event is in a few hours." He said after giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

He checked his phone and informed me that it was 2 PM already. wow I surely slept in late.

The event started at 7 PM so I had about 2 hours free time and then I needed to get ready.

I took the white shirt from Harry and slipped it on. It was pretty long and reached mid-thigh.

"You look so good in my clothes.." Harry said in a low voice

As I stepped out of the room I heard Harry getting up.

As I went to the kitchen, Harry followed me.

"Your dress will arrive in about an hour." He said making me choke on my piece of watermelon.

"Dress?" I asked confused. I got my own dresses. "And I'm quite sure I can't afford that dress." I quickly added

"I have that all sorted out, plus you don't have to pay anything." He said as he slipped into the seat next to me.

I didn't argue anymore because even if I did, he would still win.

After eating breakfast, Harry went out to meet a business partner that also happened to be a good friend of his.

As for me, I'm currently on the oh so comfortable couch, watching Mean Girls.

This is definitely on of my all time favorite movies. When I saw the DVD case under the tv, I literally pushed the disk with force into the player.

The dress had already arrived but I hadn't checked it out, yet.

All to soon the movie came to the end, and I needed to get ready.

First - shower...


After the shower I wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel and went out of the bathroom.

All the time, I was in the shower my mind kept repeating the events of yesterday..

It felt so good. And that was just his mouth and fingers.

I wonder what he could do with that dick of his.

As he said 'there is more to come.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head. I took the black box where the dress was.

I sat on the bed taking the box into my lap. Untying the golden ribbons I felt the air stuck in my lungs. It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

On the top of the dress was a little note.

"Can't wait to see you in this dress Miss White."

                                                   - Mr. Styles

Ohh god, he's so cheesy..

I took the dress out from the box. The material was soft as baby's skin.

The dress was blue and so beautiful, it had silver and golden belt that was sewed on the dress.

Maybe Harry is a real pain in the ass but he has a good taste.


After I was finished getting ready, I slipped the dress on. It fit perfectly. My hair is curled in soft loose curls.

Just as I was gonna wear the heals on, there was a knock on the door. Harry walked in distracted by his phone "Hey are y-" His words stopped on his eyes landed on me. He eyed me up and down, his lips slightly parted, after a few moments, the only word that came out from his mouth was "Beautiful"

This made me really self-conscious but at the same time it made me feel at the top of the world. I made the big, bad boss speechless. I made the all so mighty Mr. Harry Styles, speechless.

I quickly wore my heals and made my way to him.

"You look nice too Harry." I said. His black tux's hugged his body perfectly. His black dress shoes shiny and well polished.

"Speak for yourself, now I can't leave you all the evening, somebody will steal you away.." He said and the last part came out as a whisper.

He cleared his throat and asked "Are you ready, my princess?"

I blushed after he called me princess.
"Ready as I'll ever will be." I smiled up to him.

"Well then, lets go.."


Oh my god, I'm so sorry that I update only now. I really wanted to update faster but my dad got into hospital and all this shit around completely was distracting me..

Oh well it's August already, and school starts in a month * Crawls in a cave and cries*

So I have 7k reads and I wanna thank you so much for your support ;)

And OMG... The new perfume 'You and I' is out and I am so happy and can't wait to get my hands on them.

It always takes a quite long time for the perfume to be here in my country, but I have my little elf grandma in the UK, who will send me 'that moment'. and a bit later 'You and I' 

Sooo I think I bored you so much with my rumbling..well okay...

Anyway love you guys so, so much for all your support.

Keep voting, please share, fan , comment :))

This chapters question is?....

- What is your favorite thing about Harry? -

*I love Harry and the bananas as well, how he always is cute with the fans :)*

Love you all a lot, stay beautiful :)

:* Sisi :*

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