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Moooooooberry's P.O.V

Eversince crafter67569 said she saw something,she's been extra careful staying togther.I thought."Crafter!"I said while jogging up to her."What?" "What did you see?" "Promise you won't laugh or freak?" A long sincelence involed us. "I promise." This chaned me for ever. "Hero-" "brine"said a unnone voice.We slowly turned our heads.Then we freaked.

crafter67569 P.O.V

As we turned our heads I knew it was herobrine,for he had been stalking us eversince I first saw him."The real name of this jungle is Herobrine jungle."he said then he froze us. Then telported in front of me and grabed me.

Crafter67569 & Mooooberry7890's Adventures BK #1Where stories live. Discover now