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Sorry bunnies I was busy with my other stories but I'm back.Also thx to Btangtan for the idea of this chapter

Maddie POV

"Why am I here"I ask "well umm we umm kidnapped you sorry" Jin says and hands me food. I start to feel sick and I then pass out.

Jimin pov
After Jin hands Maddie food she faints. " Hyung what is wrong with her?" I ask a little bit concerned. " I believe she is sick Jimin do not worry she will be ok".  Jin says. " Jin I broke the door of the microwave again" namjoon yells and I start laughing.

Maddie pov

I wake up in a bed and look around the room suga walks in. " Your finally awake" he says coldly I look away and start to feel hurt because of how he acted to me.

kiddnapped by bts (Paused)Where stories live. Discover now