Chapter 4

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I hid my gun under my coat and walk to a nearby park to clear off my thoughts. My phone was ringing like crazy just then I remembered about the mission. "I just need to track her down" I said to myself. I called one of my friends

"Yo Sehun" I said. "Yo Jisoo long time no 'talk' " he said emphasizing the word talk. "I'll kill you later but now are you busy?" I asked. "No why?" He said. "Can you track Koo Minsoo?" I asked. "I'm stalking her" he said. "Ew stalker" I said. "Wait for a moment" hr said. I could hear his fingers taping the keyboard. "Dude she's at Namyangju" he said. "Uh where are you?" I asked. "Home stalking you" he said. "Don't let me shoot you" I said sternly. "Chill girl, need help with killing her?" He said. "How did you know?" I asked. "I told you I was stalking you" he said. "I'll use my gold knife to stab you later" I said. "Text me her location" I said again. "Aight bye" he said. "Bye bish" I said and hung up.

Just then Sehun texted me her location. 'Hopyeong-dong, Namyangju' I smirked. "Meet me at Lavender's Cafe now" I texted him back. I took a cab there. After 5 minutes he finally came. We did a bro hug. After Hana died Sehun was the one who's always there for me before I met Blackpink. He took out his laptop. I sipped my bubble tea. "See this here" he said while pointing at the X. I nodded my head. "She's there" he said. "It'll take less than 30 minutes to get there" he said again. I nodded my head. "Come on it's not like I'm a complete stranger" he said. "I know I just don't feel like talking" I replied. "Let's go she's on the move to Han River" he said while eyeing his laptop again. We got into his car. "What the hell is Baekhyun doing here?" I said when I saw him eating ice cream at the back seat. "When the hell were you her" Sehun said annoyed. "I'm your hyung" he said. "Hyung, since when were you here?" Sehun said teasingly. "5 minutes ago? I just felt like stalking you" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Long time no talk Jisoo" Baekhyun said while Sehun and him laughed.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. Sehun and his hyungs loves teasing me that way since I act like I'm mute but I'm not. Sehun drove to Namyangju and immediately drove to Han river. No one was there except for one woman. We immediately recognised her as Koo Minsoo. I got in action. Sehun hacked the camera system while Baekhyun tried distracting her. I shot her immediately. "Nice shot!" Baekhyun yelled. "Shush!" I whispered yelled. "Whoops" he said. "Carry her to the trunk I'll clean the mess" I said. He nodded. I went there wiped the blood and burned the evidence. When it looks like nothing happened I ran to the car. We immediately drove back. "Let's send her to the company and have fun" I said. They nodded.

After a 30 minutes drive we finally arrived at dad's company. I carried her easily since she was smaller than me. I took her to the corpse room and left her on one of the beds near her brother Koo Junhoe. "Rest in hell, the Koo's" I said. I look over to Junhoe's left side. Both of his parents laying dead together with their children. Dad's planning to burn them together. I left the cold corpse room and went out. "Since I finished my mission easily let's go to the club!" I yelled. "Are you okay?" Sehun asked eyeing me weirdly. "Yes I am" I said and faked a smiled. "You don't usually go to a club and you hate loud places" Baekhyun said. "You caught me" I said. I leaned at the chair and took a deep breath before explaining. "Dad wants me to have a vacation to clear things off my with my brothers" I said. "I know how much you hate your brothers but come on why not give it a try?" Sehun said. "I bet nothing will change even after we went back" I said and sighed. "If you give it a try I'll buy you something expensive you really want" Sehun said. "It's okay I can afford it anyways" I said and look blankly outside the window. They continued making a deal and nagging at me on why I should go while I didn't even say a word.

"You know you really have to quit the habit of not talking" Baekhyun said. "You're not mute man come on talk" Sehun said. "I was born to not talk to idiots" I said. Both of them then smacked my head. I pulled out my knife. "Yo chill girl" Sehun said raising his hands up as a sign of defeat. I keep my knife back at a place where it's hidden. Just then Baekhyun got a call. "Yo! Xiumin's in danger!" He yelled like a girl. "Fast!" I yelled. Sehun immediately drove to where Baekhyun told him. When we got there everything was a mess. I pulled out my gun. Baekhyun and Sehun both had gun. We shot whoever was blocking our way. "Xiumin hyung!" Both of them yelled when they spot their hyung. "Are you okay?" Sehun asked. "Yes maknae" he replied. "My leg got shot" Xiumin said again. "Yunhyeong came to seek revenge for killing his sister" Xiumin said. "But he got the wrong person" he added. "What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked. "The person who killed her is" he pointed at me. "What?!" Sehun and Baekhyun yelled. I lowered my head. *bang* the sound of a gunshot were heard. "Jisoo!" They yelled. I fell down. "Shit!" I yelled.

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