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I could write novels about all the ways you've killed me piece by piece over the years
I could tell of all the heinous things you are
All the pain and paranoia you've caused,
Instead, I will choose to tell the stories of how I have survived - the good ways and the bad ways
From auctioning off parts of my soul, cutting away my flesh because it was too dirty to continue wearing
To all the ways I've learned to let myself be loved in spite of it - through it
The lights I've found - the hope I focus on
The safe places I have made into a fortress of life

I have scars - one for every black hole I have stared into
I have healed wounds that still hurt when the elements touch them
I have hopes In my heart, dreams in my hands
And I have a future so beautiful and bright that even your vile being could not darken

I have my weak moments, but I am strong
I am afraid, but I am brave
I sometimes feel an abundance of pain, but I am whole despite my suffering

So, I could tell everyone of all your wickedness
But instead, I will tell them of my redemption
I will tell them of my perseverance, and how even the most iniquitous foes cannot stop someone who has found the light. All rights to

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