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so wtf have u been <
doing kim?

> yAH! use some goddamn
honorifcs if ur going to
cuss me out like that.

> swear, u and yoongi hyung
are always just bad news to
each other

> u brat. /:<

u masochist bastard. <


> ???

oh so now you're cutting <
answers short huh.

i know damn well, you <
have heart eyes for mi unnie!

> what the hell?

oh c'mon we've talked <
about this several times

well indirectly ofc but u stupid <

to think i wouldnt figure <
it out.

> and?

wdym and?! <

> so fucking what jen?

> everyone in our group
of friends know how whipped
jisoo is for jimin, what
even matters huh?

well... <

> yeah right.

so now, ur helping her? <

> and jimin. well, he's also
really stupid for falling for
the wrong girl when jisoo's
here. head over heels for him.

yeah sure, funny how u speak <
like ur arent in a similar
situation, huh kim tae

> well my situation is really
entirely different idiot.

hAH, wow that fucking made <
me cackle. sURE MAN!

> you see jennie kim.

> i like jisoo. but i wont
risk her happiness for mine.

> i like her, but i also want
what's better for her and if
she thinks it'd be swimming
around chim, kook and
chaeng's little pool of teenage

> then sure. i'm here for it.

yeah, but how bout u? <

> what about me?

> i'm content of the fact
that i tried because i really did.

> failed but i tried.

> think that's what truly

how bout u try again? <

> for what?

> so it could be once again
awkward for the both of us
when she can be finally
feeling the romantic pleasure
she fantasizes about?

then do yourself a fucking <

don't meddle withe the little <
pool of teenage drama, u
pertained to earlier.

*sigh what i mean is... <

just damn know when to <
stop for your own sake.

jimin is already in deep pain <
but is working his way out
of it in a very stupid way.

jisoo's being stupid and ur <
even encouraging her.

like WTH?! <

chaeng and kook is trapped <
inside their little bubble.

very unbeknowsnt to what's <
happening outside of it.

so just pls stay out of it. <

> sure jen.


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