First kiss

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For a week, Karina had managed to avoid Alessandro. She did everything possible including spending less time with her friends and in places she was likely to meet him and she managed. But too soon, her efforts caught attention. Alessandro noticed that she had been avoiding him and decided to confront her.
She was at the parking lot, about to leave but she couldn't because she couldn't find her car keys.

"Don't bother; I have your car keys."

"Alessandro, being your girlfriend which is only on paper doesn't give the right to go through my stuffs."

"I had to. You are avoiding me, aren't you?" He changed the topic and this time he was standing a few steps away from her. He had his eyes fixed on her. And like the previous time, Karina couldn't look in the eyes.

"No, I'm not." She lied "We just had eye contact." Karina tried to act casual although his stare left a big impact on her.

"What about a kiss?" He moved closer to kiss her but she quickly turned and he ended up kissing her on the cheek. With that, Alessandro proved that she was really avoiding him. He then offered to drop her home; she agreed. But instead of taking her home, he drove her to a construction site.

"What are we doing here? What is this place and why are we here anyway? It's dark already, Alessandro. My parents will be worried sick about me."

"Hey, one question at a time, okay?" He looked at her. " I didn't bring you to hell. I usually come here when I feel lonely or when I want to clear my mind." They walked into the site.

"How can you hang out in such places, alone? This place is dangerous."

"I'm not some girly princess who hangs out in a garden."

She smiled. "Is that what you've always carried in your brains?"

Her smile was beautiful especially because she had beautiful lips. He wanted to kiss her but she hadn't let him the last time he did that. But he had planned on finding out the reason before he dropped her home.

"What are they building here?"

"A mansion....

"How did you know that?"

"Because it's done under my name." He explained. But she was busy looking around, admiring nature, the sky and the city.

"Nice,..." Karina kept on walking around.

"Be careful, Ana. You might fall. This place is dangerous." He warned as he followed her behind.

"I'm just viewing the place, Alessandro. Besides, I can take care of myself. So don't wor...
Karina slipped before she could even finish her statement. But before she could land on the hard surface, Alessandro was quick to catch her. She was trembling and scared.

"You can open your eyes now; you are okay."

"Did I make to heaven?"

"No, sweetie... You made it to hell." He laughed. She frowned and opened her eyes. Once again, she was in Alessandro's embrace; one of the rare moments she hated. Because she knew trying to free herself was useless; he always got what he wanted.

"Can you let me go now?" She requested rather rudely trying to act brace and casual because his hands at her back made her feel really uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to thank me for saving you?"

"You've just said it. Can you let me go now?"

"You are rude. And here I thought you could take care of yourself."

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