Jesse Mccree

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Hanzo's Pov

I stared at my reckless brother with rage. Not only did he sneak out to go to a pathetic party but, he also got severely hurt. I wish he'd be more serious about things instead of being unhonorable.

I walked closer to Genji. "Look at me," I said. He slowly raised his head and looked at me, guilt staining his eyes. "Hanzo I...I was being-" I cut him off.

"Who did this to you?"


I gave a cold stare

"Who did this to you?"

"I...a guy named Jesse Mccree. Or so he told me." 

"Jesse Mccree..." I mumbled. I looked off to the side. Burning this name in my head, trying to find out if I knew him or not. Of all the names in this town, I've never heard of Jesse Mccree. I looked at Genji in frustration.  He turned to the side and sad,"I don't know him. He is someone new to me too.".  A foreigner... or maybe a tourist. Whoever this is, I'll  find  him and kill him. 

Genji eyes widened as if he knew what I was thinking. "Hanzo," he said,"it's not his fault! I was the one who picked a fight with him in the first place!". I looked at Genji and stated,"It won't change my mind. I will find him and kill him.".

I grabbed bow and katana and started to walk out the door. "Go to your room and get some sleep. I'll fix you in the morning," I said. I opened the door and headed towards the main entrance. I looked to see if anyone was following me. Seeing the coast was clear, I ran down the street. I knew were the party Genji went to was so started to look for him around there. I remembered there was a hotel near here. Of course  he'd be there. Where else would he sleep. 

Seeing that was my only option, I ran to the hotel. When I got in I asked the receptionist if there was a guy named Jesse Mccree. "Yes there is," she said,"But why would a Shimida want to speak to him?". I thought of an excuse.

"He's an accatince of mine."

"Oh...Ok room 223."

I sighed

"Thank you m'am."

"No problem."

I quickly walked to room 223, it took a while though. I pressed my ear against the door, listening to to any noises there may be. Once I decided he wasn't  here yet, I silently opened the door. I peeked in the room. Seeing he wasn't anywhere to be seen I walked in, closing the door behind me. I walked  silently to the beds, looking to see if he was here. 

"Looking for me.". I grabbed my bow, turned, and shot an arrow at him. It sliced his cheek. He touched his cheek tenderly, looking at the blood on his fingers. "Yell, that was rude of ya," he said. 

My eyes widened. Normally people would be afraid even if I got the slightest cut on them. He's different. There wasn't the slightest bit of fear on his face. 

A wave of doubt came over me. I felt intimidated. This is the first time I've been truly...scared. 

He inched out of the shadows. I took a step back. He smirked. "Scared of me are ya?". He  chuckled slightly,"I'd expect more from a Shimada.". A chill ran up my spine when he said my last name. He said it so cold and...heartless. 

I spoke firmly trying not to show weakness,"No. Just cautioning myself.". He walked towards me at a steady pace. I backed up into a wall. He took this as advantage a pinned me to it making sure I couldn't leave. I tried to stay calm but, fear pushed over me like a tidal wave. I looked down at the floor, trying not to make direct eye contact. He smiled at this. "I'd never expect ya ta be this scared," he said,"Here I thought I would be the one ta be scared.". I cringed at his slang. He really was a cowboy.  

He grabbed my chin and slowly lifted my head up. As my eyes meet his, my face turned a light shade of pink. "So what are you here for anyway?". My eyes narrowed.

"Is it any of your business."

He chuckled

"Well you are sort of in my room."


"So, ya better start talkin'."

I started at his eyes for awhile. Wondering what he would gain if I did tell him. Maybe I'm overthinking this. 

"I...came here to kill you."

"Welp your plan backfired didn't it."

I hesitated


I was lying. Inside my pocket there is a knife. Just as I reached for it I realized it wasn't there. He smirked. "How did you-" he cut me off. "You weren't paying  attention when I slipped my hand in your pocket and took the knife? Heh! Here I thought yer were smart.". I cringed when he said "yer". It's cowboy slang for you. He smirked, knowing that I really did hate his slang. 

I was longing to get out of this position. I felt powerless, helpless, and...vulnerable with him around me. I felt as though I was going to die if I was around him any longer. 

I pushed him off me and grabbed my katana. As he stood up, I put my katana to his throat. He smiled and grabbed my hand. He turned me around and pinned me to the bed, both hands around my head. I blushed furiously. He turned to look at the door. Someone was coming. 

"Shit. Room service," he mumbled. He looked down at me and leaned towards my neck. "What are you-". I was cut off by his teeth hitting my sweet spot. I moaned at this action. He attacked it, earning loud moans from me. Whoever was at the door, left and he immedatly stopped. I looked at him with disbelief. He let me go. 

I was so embarrassed that I grabbed my stuff  and jumped on the window seal. I turned and looked at him. "Good night, Hanzo." he said. I blushed and jumped out the window, landing perfectly.  

I started to run as fast as I could, not stopping to think for a second.

 ((Lol. This chapter was long. Word Count: 1017. Hope you liked the small hint of lemon. Comment and vote plz. STAY SWEET MY EVIL ARMY!))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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