Chapter 2; Just Another Hallucination

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“Erik? Erik, come home.” Christine shouted. “Erik, I miss you.” After a long pause, she dropped to her knees. “Erik?!” She shouted. “Please, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”

Erik wanted to run to her, but he was chained to the floor and couldn’t move. He tried screaming. “Christine!” But no sound escaped from his mouth. Christine had her face buried in her hands sobbing tears. She finally found Erik in the shadowy corner of the room. “Erik? Why did you leave me?” She asked him in rage.

“I thought you loved me!” Erik desired to escape and kiss her, to prove his love, but he couldn’t move. The floor began to sink, and he went with it. He began to descend farther and farther. He knew this was the end of his life, and he wanted one last glimpse of Christine, but he saw something else. Something distressing. He saw red eyes, instead of green, and she saw him with Raoul. Raoul, the true love of Christine’s life. Raoul, the man she declared everything to. Raoul!

He saw Raoul and Christine kissing overhead him. Chrstine trying to make Erik jealous. Well it was succeeding. Erik could of sworn he saw some tongue and he looked by Christine’s ass. He saw something different. He saw her flipping him off. His eyes went below the surface, and he stopped breathing. He knew his life was over, and his beloved Christine was someone who he no longer knew.

He bolted up, and looked around. He saw darkness, complete darkness. And heard something peculiar.

“Erik? Erik, come home.” The voice said. He recognized it was Christine. He didn’t move, because he knew it was just another hallucination. But instead of “Erik I miss you,” the voice said, “Erik, come out, I know your hiding.” Erik then knew it was the real Christine. He put his mask on the side of his face tried to locate Christine in the darkness. You could look around in every direction, but still see darkness.

“Erik? Is that you?” Christine asked, hearing noise.

“Yes. Where are you?” Erik asked Christine, using his hands to try to find her

“I don’t know. I’m surrounded by darkness.”

“Stay there and, I’ll come and find you.” Erik told Christine to assure nothing will go wrong.

“Follow the sound of my voice.” Christine told Erik. Erik continued to walk following Christine’s voice, and his back bumped into a wall. He know knew it wasn’t a wall but Christine’s back. He had bumped into Christine! They both turned around in unison, and they were standing inches away from each other. He turned on a light, and Christine was looking up, and into his eyes. He couldn’t ignore the fact that Christine had come to see him.

A few moments after the chaotic moment, Christine gently touched Erik’s lips and she could feel the moistness of them. She then slowly pressed her lips upon his. Feeling something inside of her accelerate. 

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