Chapter 1

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Canada sighed as he walked out of the meeting room. 

'Why does no one notice me?' He thought.

Canada walked home and the entire time he felt like someone was watching him.

'No ones looking at you no one can see you except for Kumajiro, and he still cant remember you!'He thought and right on queue Kumajiro asked.

"Who are you?" Kumajiro asked with a tilt of his head. Canada sighed.

"I'm Canada your owner." Canada unlocked the door to his house and walked in and shut the door locking it. He put Kumajrio down. 

"We need cheer up pancakes."Canada declared. Kumajiro smiled and nodded. Canada walked into the kitchen and started making pancakes.

Then he heard a knock at the door. Canada froze.

"Wait....someones at my door?" Canada asked himself. He slowly walked over and opened it.

"Hey." A tall man with sun glasses, blond hair just like like Canada's, and a red flannel shirt that wasn't buttoned properly stood in front of Canada. 

Canada stood there in shock. 

'Someone noticed me?' he thought dumb founded 

The man smirked and walked in, uninvited.

So for the next chapter its gonna be Matt's point of view but before he goes to Canada's house.

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