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3rd Person

Yuri anxiously bit the end of her pen. When is Natsuki gonna get here? she thought. Monika shuffled through the books and Sayori was drawing a sun with a smiley face. As she departed the room, her eyes darted over to the door, which had previously let out a loud CLUNK. Standing there was Natsuki and some boy. Yuri almost yelled about her happiness, but the guy had an arm around Natsuki, and Yuri sat silently. Plus, people would probably stop liking her. Oh no....

Natsuki snuck a glance in Yuri's direction. She was looking at the floor, kind of empty and somberly. Natsuki ignored the girl, who was anxiously twirling a piece of hair. Seeing Yuri every day, she knew that her twirling her hair meant she was nervous. While Sayori and Monika greeted her boyfriend, she hesitantly walked over to Yuri.

"Y-Yuri?" Natsuki asked. "Oh hello Natsuki." Yuri said in a monotone voice. "I was just going to scrutinize this publication of The Portrait of Markov." Yuri said with a poker face. Natsuki knew that Yuri used especially big words when she was nervous. Natsuki took notice, but decided to return to José.

Yuri looked anxiously at them, sort of looking but pretending not to.

This was the happiest she'd ever seen Natsuki. And as much as she wanted Natsuki to love her, she decided that seeing a genuine smile on her face was better.

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