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(If no one reads this book, I won't update it.)

She sits in the dark basement shivering. A cold tinkle trickles down her spine as she hears banging above. She hears her mother scream and looks down at her phone. She turns it on to see that the time is 2:35 a.m.
She taps on the emergency dial button and calls 911. She tells them her address and that there is a fight as she opens the basement door. She steps up the crumbling stone staircase, each step making a small thump. She strikes a match as she says," I see a fire starting too." She sets the matchbox on the carpet before placing the burning one on top. The carpet quickly sets on fire. Her parents don't notice the flame as they are too obsessed with their argument over each other's parenting skills. The girl walks over to the door. She grabs the handle. "Where do you think you're going Kowareta?!" Her mother hisses angrily. Kowareta ends the call before replying."I'm leaving" Kowareta replied plainly. "You wouldn't last a day alone", her father growled, " you're only 14!" She looked him in the eye before pulling out a plastic water bottle filled with gasoline from her backpack. She grinned and poured it on the hardwood floor in front of the door. Her parents suddenly noticed the fire. "You are a monster." Her mother mumbled loudly. "I hope you die out there!" Her dad ran to the back door and tried to open it with no success. "I blocked the door." Kowareta mumbled nonchalantly. " you worthless demon!" Her dad yelled at her. She watched as the gasoline caught fire and burst into flames. Reaching down, she touched up some still burning ash and used it to give her some burns, she then covered her face and body with ash. She ran out coughing seeing the crowd of concerned neighbors and a few police men who were patrolling the area. "My parents are still in there!" She screamed fake crying. At that point she realized that she didn't feel so good. Her arms were burning and her vision was blurry, she could hardly breathe. She fell coughing, before passing out.

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