1: Lost with you

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Inside the human body, roughly 37.2 trillion cells work energetically, all day everyday. 24 hours and 365 days. They are all working very hard.

Red blood cell is on the way to the lungs. She's holding a map, and carrying a box of oxygen. however, she's still lost. She's always lost anyways.
Then, she bumped into White blood cell (Neutrophil).
"AH! W-WHITE BLOOD CELL! WAHHH SORRY SORRY SORRY!" RBC acts like a child again, she kneeled down to WBC and ask for forgiveness.
"Oh, calm down Red blood cell. Don't say sorry. Are you lost again?" WBC asked
"Y-Yesssss!" RBC said
"Okay then, i'm free today so, i'll go with you." WBC smiled
"Wahhhh thanks White blood cell! >~<" RBC said
"Hehe, no problem" WBC said

While going to the lungs, a germ appeared in the front of the two.
Red blood cell or RBC is frightened, WBC pulled out his weapon and attacks the germ. Then he protects RBC.
"Wahhhh that's so scary!! Thank you White blood cell!" RBC said
"Hehe no problem Red blood cell, it's my job to protect." WBC said
"I'm really amazed! You're really tough! I think... You're a great White blood cell!" RBC said and smiled
"Really?" WBC blushed
"Yup!" RBC said

After that conversation, instead that they're on the lungs already, the two got lost.
"Where are we?" WBC said
"Wahhhh I don't know!!" RBC started panicking
"Calm down." WBC said while he put his hand on RBC's shoulder
"Even though we are lost, were still together. I'll find a way to go to the lungs." WBC said

RBC blushed and smiled. WBC found a map somewhere, then the two started walking again.

After that long walk, they're finally on the lungs.
"Finally!" RBC said
"Well, were here now. So, goodbye.. Red blood cell." WBC said
"Thanks a lot White blood cell!" RBC smiled
"You're welcome. By the way..." WBC said while looking to the other side, blushing.
"Yes??" RBC questioned
"Uhm, I'd rather spend my life lost with you.." WBC said
"Woah! What?!" RBC's eyes sparkled and blushed
"D-Don't mind it! Meet me when your job is done!" WBC started to run while waving a goodbye.

RBC smiled and continued her job.

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