Mall-cious Escapades II- The Sequel

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After a long time period, the group made their way to the mall they'd previously been to. Once inside, the immense size of people still shocked them, though not as much as their first time. 'It's like a Comic-Con convention in here', Izuku thought to himself. While everyone else was busy with the size of the crowds of people, Kaminari had focused on a surprise appearance from Class A; and B, too.

"No way.", he thought to himself. "I can't be this lucky!"(press play now)

"What are talking about—?" Kirishima stopped once he noticed what the Electrification Quirk user was on about. (You still haven't done it? C'mon, you trust your friendly neighborhood fanfic, author, right?)

(One last chance. You're gonna regret it if you don't. All done? Cool! Enjoy some Denki love as a reward!)

It just so happened to be that Class A's own Jiro Kyoka had taken the day off as well, and she was with Ibara Shiozaki, too. Two of Denki's love interests in the same place, at the same time. "This couldn't be more perfect timing!", he exclaimed excitedly. Unfortunately, though, when he, Kirishima, and Momo looked up to see the two, another set of two people behind them. "Aw, crap..."

"What's wrong?", Todoroki asked the trio, though not one answer came from them.

"Guys, you're kinda scaring me. Is everything ok—?"

"Midoriya, get behind me! Quickly!", Momo said, grabbing his hand and swinging him behind her. Kirishima and Kaminari move in front of Midoriya, covering his previously exposed side.

"Guys, what's going on?", Izuku asked, his face being in the most uncomfortable position, pressed against Momo's back and squeezed by Kirishima and Kaminari, amongst the crowd around them. Kirishima looked at a pained Izuku, his eyes directing him to look up.

"Up there.", he said, nodding his head towards the upper floor of the mall. Midoriya looked up, though it didn't help much to his current situation. Once he did, however, he understood why the group did what they did.

"Holy woah...". It just happened to turn out that  Jiro, Ibara, Tsuyu, and Uraraka were in the same place at the same time for the same reason.

"Talk about coincidence, right?", Kaminari joked as the kids walked around.

"It's like one of those TV shows, where the guy and his girlfriend are at the same place at the same time with their friends!", Eijiro comments as he looks around to see if anyone else from their class was in the vicinity.

"Wait, how do you know about that, manly man?"

"Uh, well...see, me and Ashido were hangin' out for the weekend, so we watched some cheesy movies in her dorm.", Kirishima said, scratching the back of his hair.

"Oh? And how was it?", Momo asked, now intrigued.

"The movie was alright, I guess-"

"Not the movie, the date!"

Kirishima looked in confusion as the kids searched for a store for their less than fashionable friend. "Date? No, it was just me and Ashido hangin' out, Yaoyorozu."

"Really now?", she asked, more interested in Kirishima than usual.

"Yeah, why else would she want me there?"

"Dude, you really can't be that dense.", Denki said to his friend.

"Of course not, Kaminari. He's not using his Quirk." Todoroki suddenly replied to the group's surprise, almost forgetting he was there, to begin with.

Everyone else just groaned as they all simultaneously said, "Let's just get Midoriya to a store, please....".

As they searched for nearby stores, Jiro and Ibara were chatting it up about a certain yellow-haired boy, resembling a power like a "pika", or something. "....and he invited me out to coffee, but I never got the chance to take him up on that offer.", Shiozaki explains to Jiro, who was looking around the mall. "So, what about you, Kyoka?"

"What're you talking about, Shiozaki?", the Earphone Jack Quirk user asked nicely.

"About your nice friend, Denki Kaminari, I believe." Ibara said with a sense of joy. "What do you think about him?"

Jiro turned back to Ibara with a dark scarlet face. "I-I think he's a good friend. A bit of an idiot, but a nice dude overall. Th-That's it." Although she wanted to talk about something else, Ibara just looked at her with confusion.

"Are you sure that's all? It seems like you're holding back from something.", she asks with her finger on her lips.

"Y-Yeah, that's it! I don't have anything else to say about it." Jiro became more flustered than usual, her cheeks burning from the deep blush she was giving off.

"Jiro, you seem more embarrassed than mad. Is it because of you liking Kaminari?", Tsuyu asked, her finger on her chin usual.

Kyoka dropped the shopping bags in her hands. Her whole face was flushed now, anyone in her vicinity able to see that. "W-What did you just say?"

"I believe she asked if you had a crush on Kaminari.", Ibara said with a smile. "Well, do you?"

"N-N-No, well, maybe...I mean yes...I don't know!", Jiro cried out, unable to control her emotions towards the yellow-haired teen.

"Well, what do you like about Kaminari?", Uraraka asked her, leaning in towards Jiro's already more than flustered face.

Jiro thought of all the things she actually did like about the Electrification Quirk user. "Um, I guess he can be funny sometimes."

"Though not the best way to start off, it's still a start.", Tsuyu said bluntly.

"He's smart..when he wants to be.."

"Uh huh, keep going..."

"He's kind and sweet, fun to be around, a-and he's so damn cute!" Jiro quickly covered her mouth as she realized that she just unintentionally spilled her feelings to the trio, who was in shock. In an attempt to evade further embarrassment, she turned to rail to her right. Unfortunately for her, the same boy she was talking about was right below her. "Kaminari!?"

"Uh, guys...I think Jiro noticed us.", Kaminari said nervously.

"Well, time for plan B."

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