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Unkowns POV

I watch her from a distance. I am angry at my self for letting her get hurt.

I distance my self from them so that they wouldn't get hurt. But I was wrong.

"go to hell " lilys kidnapper spits. "oh trust me ive been there" i smirked at the bloody wolf.

"now tell me who ordered you"i pick up my silver blade. "f@ck you".

"AHHHHH " HE screams as i stab his leg.

"p-please s-top" he begs as blood drips down his leg,head and mouth.

"I'll  stop once you tell me who ordered you rouge"i whip him witha silver whip.

Silver is the best way to torture a wolf. Bit if your not careful you could kill them.

"b-lood r-ouges" he wispered, "blood rouges" i question.

"yes now please let me go" he wimpers"do you havr a mate "

"yes and a daughter please dont kill me i just did that cause they kidnap my mate and daughter h-he rape them everyday. " he sobs.

"dont worry I'll help you, talsy help him and give him something to eat. "

" fine" she untied him. "wait what about my mate and daughter " he ask.

" dont worry im gonna get them" i said"you cant go there alone "he warns.

I smirked and said" who said im going alone

Ok i know its short but you get it im lazy

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