When I See You Again

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I don't know why the fuck I got stuck in here. What did I fucking do to piss these bastards off?" The silver haired man stated, crossing his arms and glaring at his counterpart. The tricolored haired man sighed. "Talking like that for one thing. Bakura" Yami glared at him.

"Let's just fucking get this over with. We know that they are going to have an accident at the playground. When do we get the dossiers?" Bakura grabbed his black trench coat, putting it on over his ripped jeans and white t shirt.

Yami sighed. "Later. Now all we have are pictures and names. But the Guardian is ready to take us to the spot...so come on." Walking over to a shimmery golden portal, Yami stepped through with Bakura right behind him. They stepped out into a small playground with some children playing. Bakura looked around and immediately saw the smaller version of himself...except he never had such a kind look on his face. Sighing, he walked over to the little tyke.

Yami shook his head at Bakura and looked around for his charge. Seeing the small, petite, star shaped hair boy with amethyst eyes sitting on a swing, he walked over as well. Yugi was playing on the swing. His mind wandering; wondering, if things at home would get better anytime soon. Yami walked over, in his black leather pants and black tank top and choker. He sat on the swing next to Yugi. "Hey...you okay?" he asked kindly.

"Fucking peachy. How about you?" Yugi asked bluntly.

Yami smirked at Yugi. "Nice language. Now." He looked at Yugi. "Why don't you tell me how you really are?"

"I don't know and it's none of your business," Yugi replied, continuing to play on the swings.

Yami quirked an eyebrow. "I know you're in trouble. Please let me help." Yami was annoyed that deep down, he wanted to help, but he didn't want to get in more trouble.

"No," Yugi glared lightly.

Yami sighed. "Look..." he weighed his options. Finally, looking around, he had some black mist come out of his fingers, cloaking the area. "I'm your guardian, let me help." He turned around, showing his crimson wings that he'd sprouted to match his eyes.

"Nice, but I don't need help," Yugi said, pushing off the swing and landing on his feet. "Take your pixie dust to someone who needs help."

Yami sighed. "Yes, you do Yugi. So why don't you let me help." Looking at the amethyst eyed boy, Yami stopped. "Oh shit." he whispered, suddenly angry at his lot in life...

"Because I don't want your damn help," Yugi growled, running off.


Meanwhile, while Yami was walking up to Yugi, Bakura walked up to Ryou. "Hey."

Ryou has long white flowing hair. He has chocolate hazel eyes. He's albino. He's usually made fun of for his voice and looking like a girl. He was startled at hearing the sound of someone's voice. He hesitantly looked up to see the angel. "Hi," he said softly.

Bakura kneeled down to be eye level with the boy. "What's your name?" he asked gruffly.

"R-Ryou Bakura," he said, tensing slightly at the stranger getting close to him.

"Well that's fuckin' rich. My first name is Bakura." Bakura mumbled in annoyance.

Ryou took a step away from him, unsure if this guy was here to be civil or hurt him, "Um, well it's my name too. Maybe we're related or something."

"Look kid, we're not related. I'm your guardian, to protect you. So tell me why I'm here already." Bakura huffed.

"I-I don't know," Ryou murmured, on the verge of tears.

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