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"What the hell?" Said an angry Collins to my sleepy face.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? What time is it?" I ask searching for my phone which I soon felt buzz through the sheet near my foot. "Oh." I sat up. 

I read the message, "Oh. Lucas is here. We're going to have to do this tomorrow. My brother hates fighting." I say grabbing my phone and bag and running to the kitchen were I found my brother talking to Devan. 

"I'm so sorry. I fell asleep waiting for you and..."

"No problem. I just got here."

"Oh." I say combing my fingers through my hair. 

I grab my brother and turn to leave. 

"Oh, Devan. Thanks for letting me borrow your bed."

"Any time." He smile his, cute, crooked smile.

*Next day, After 8:30 AM Some time.*

Me;Collins. You can come over now. Lucas us at school.

Collins; on my way

After about 5 minutes, Collins opened my door and walked in. I was standing in front of my Tv. He hadn't even put his bag down before he started talking.

"What were you doing?"

"Last night?"

He nodded.


"Dont 'Collins' me."

"Dude. Literally nothing happened. He was just fixing my phone. And when he was done with that we just talked for a little while. Yes, I fell asleep in his lap while we were on his bed. He moved, and it was literally for like half an hour until you walked in and woke me up. He wasn't laying in the bed with me or anything. I was tired, It was late, and this is were I told my brother I was so I wasn't about to leave."

"That's not the point! You could've just slept on the couch, or the guest room. And you didn't have to be in his room. What would've happened if you got dumb, and kissed him or something. I really don't understand why you can't just get over him!"

"I'm trying Collins! But he makes it impossible! I know you don't understand, you don't know what it feels like to be friend zoned, not by the person, because they don't even know, but by their sibling for them! Look. I love you Collins. You are my everything and my life. We have known each other since we were kids. Since we were a year old! You got me through a time were I thought I was actually gonna die. If I didn't love you and trust you with everything, Devan would've known years ago! But he doesn't. And yet you don't see that? I'm trying so  hard to not be dumb, not for myself but for you! Because you mean everything to me. So please, just give me a break!" I screamed as tears start to fall from my eyes.

He just stood there, stunned and trying to soak in Every thing I just screamed at him.

I slowly realized how quickly that had escalated.

"I'm sorry. I just. I wanted you to understand. I'm really sorry."

"No, no. Dude. I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"I love you too much to just abandon our friendship to chase after your little brother."

"I know that."

"So will you you give me a little slack? Far as I know he still thinks of me as his big sister and has no idea."


"Thank you." I sighed happily.

He left after a few minutes. And once he left i collapsed against the wall. I didn't want to cry. I was so tired of crying. But that felt like all I could do. 

Kind of intense chapter, I know but I'm trying to avoid escalating things between Kaylani and Devan too quickly. But I promise, things between them start heating up soon. Also, I'm calling you guys Keyper squad. Because if you're not a Keyper then what are you doing here? XD. See ya Keypers! Luv Ya. 

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