The Guardian's Mistake

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In a land far away, there are immortal beings called Time Guardians. They are given charges at birth, and the Guardian's sole job is to make sure that the charges do what the gods will them to. The guardians are given a list of pivotal moments in their charge's life and they have to make sure the charges do them. The rules for the guardians are simple: Make sure your charge follows the List. Make sure your charge doesn't die. And never, ever fall in love with your charge.

The silver haired Guardian sat, watching the woman on his oval viewing device. He was waiting for the woman to deliver his charge. Noticing that the blonde had come in, the silverette nodded, "Deidara."

"Yeah, un," nodded the blonde, knowing all of them are waiting to be given the name and location of who they're supposed to be the guardians of.

"Mine is Naruto. He is right there." About then, the storm gray eyes brightened at seeing the blonde be born healthy. As the woman held up her baby, the silver haired male visibly paled. "Aww, what is wrong Kakashi?" A black haired male asked as he walked in, smirking at the blonde.

"Someone doesn't look pleased," mused Sasuke as he had walked in as well while the others are shown each their charges.

"No, no, no." Kakashi mumbled. About then, the lavender eyed girl was born, whimpering quietly, her eyes staring into Sasuke's it seemed.

"I see," murmured Sasuke with his shoulders slumping as he saw that they would have their work cut out for them.

Orochimaru smirked, looking at his list and looking into his viewer. Frowning, he did not appreciate this from the gods. "This does not amuse me."

"Not me either, hmph," agreed Deidara, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Kakashi was glad for his mask. "Well, this job was never promised to be easy." He said in resignation as Orochimaru simply glared.

"True," agreed Sasuke, but he's more than ready for the challenge.

"I guess, un," shrugged Deidara, still not pleased about this.

Our kindred, Kakashi thought sadly. Not only will the Deviants be after them once they find out, but the fact that they aren't Guardians...How cruel can the gods be?


Hinata was about three years old. Skipping outside, she started to follow a beautiful butterfly, getting farther and farther from her home. Suddenly, she realized she was very, very lost.

Having to upkeep his duty, Sasuke helped her to find her way back home.

"W...who are you?" Hinata asked shyly, lavender eyed taking the dark man in.

"My name is Sasuke," explained the dark haired male, having his similarly onyx colored wings folded on his back. "Let's get you back home, shall we?"

"Ok, you seem really nice." Hinata took his hand.

"Only to you," admitted the Uchiha, helping her as he led her back to her home.

Hinata giggled. Spotting his wings, she stared in wonder. "A...are you an angel?"

"Hn, I am," nodded Sasuke in response. "And you're a princess, aren't you?"

"" Hinata's face fell. "I'm a dis...di...disappointment." she said, repeating what her father had told her several times.

"Don't believe that. You're not a disappointment," he said sternly. "Your father is wrong."

Hinata bowed her head

"No, my father is the wisest man I know." she said sadly.

"The wisest man ever wouldn't put you down," hissed Sasuke. "You're a smart girl. Don't let your father bring you down, ok? Promise me that, Hinata."

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