Who am I?

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Where am I? What are these funny machines? Why are these strangers looking at me? All I want to do is go home where I know everything. But where's home? Do I have a home?

"She's awake! My baby's awake!" the stranger with the blonde hair cries out. She cries out loudly and then she starts hugging me. Who is she? And why does she think I'm her "baby".

"Anna don't hurt her," the man with the brown hair instructed the women who was hugging me. Who is that man? He seems familiar. But I don't know why.

"Grace, we were starting to worry about you," the brown haired man said to me. Grace. That must be me. My first name is Grace. Why did I not know that?

Anna started to cry. She was trying to talk but she couldn't get any words to be more then a burst of tears. She came to my bed and started to hug me again. Since she was still crying, my clothes were all wet and full of snot. Who is this crazy person?

"Jake! Call Isabelle and Cameron! Tell them she's awake!!" Anna finally says after she stops crying. He retrieves his phone from his pocket and walks out into the hall. Great. More strange people are going to be in this already cramped room.

"Grace are you ok? Sweetie please say something. If something's wrong please tell us." Jake says to me once he comes back into the room. Should I tell them I don't know who they are? They seem so happy. But I can't just pretend to know them. I have to tell them.

"Yes. There is something wrong. I don't know who you two are. And I don't know where I am. Or why I'm here." I see it coming. More tears. Anna's eyes are already swelling up with tears. Here we go again.

"You don't know us.. THIS IS ALL THAT STUPID DRUNK DRIVER'S FAULT. OUR BABY DOESNT EVEN KNOW HER OWN PARENTS!!! WE ARE TAKING HIM TO COURT. HE IS A FU...." Jake pushes her out of the room before I could hear the rest but I can faintly hear her yelling as they walk down the hall. Drunk driver? Was I in a car accident?

The doctor finally comes into my room. But she isn't alone. There are two kids behind her. They must be Isabelle and Cameron. I don't know them either. They both have tears in their eyes. Oh no, more crying.

"Grace!!! You're awake!!!" Isabelle barely is able to say before she bursts into tears and runs to my bed. At least she doesn't try to hug me like Anna did.

Cameron slowly walks over to the other side of my bed. He is wiping the tears away from his eyes.

He quietly says "I can't believe it..." I can barely hear him. He gets really close to my face. So I can see the color of his eyes. They're a deep, dark blue color with specs of what looks like gold. His eyes are beautiful. And his short, dark brown hair probably was spiked earlier but it looks all smashed down. He's wearing a plaid shirt which looks wrinkled. Like he was just sleeping which would explain his hair. His cheeks were streaked with leftover tears. His skin is slightly tanned. He gets even closer.

He whispers " I never gave up. I knew you would wake up." and then he leans even closer and he kisses me. ON THE LIPS!! Who is this kid? And why does he think he can do this?

I pull away from him and I push him with my hands. He has a look of bewilderment and them he looks hurt.

"Grace..." He started to say but he never finishes.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? WHO ARE YOU!?" I scream at him.

"I'm Cameron. Your boyfriend. Do you not remember me? Grace please. Please say you remember me."

"I don't know you. I have no clue who you are but I know you are crazy. Get out!!!!" I can't control myself. I feel very dizzy after I scream that at him. He rushes from the room and runs down the hall. It is only now that I remember Isabelle. She finally stopped crying but she is looking at me in disbelief.

"You really don't know him. Oh my gosh..Grace please tell me you know me. Please. I'm your best friend. We are like sisters. PLEASE!"

"I don't remember you either" I can barely say it before she bursts into more tears and drops to the ground.

Only now I can actually see what she looks like. She's wearing a pink dress with flowers. Her shoes are flat and sparkly. Her red hair is in ringlets draping over her face. She looks up at me and stares. Her green eyes are filled with tears. Her fair skin is streaked with tears.

"Grace. Do you not remember anyone? Do you remember your parents?" she asks in between sobs.

"I don't."

"They said this could happen. They said you might have amnesia. You have been in a coma for so long it was inevitable. But we didn't think you would. None of us were prepared for this. I'm so sorry Grace." and with that Isabelle runs from the room and down the hall just like the others. I can't believe what just happened. All of this is horrible. Amnesia? I don't remember anything or anyone. I can't take anymore of this today. I just want to sleep. The doctor comes in one more time before I finally fall into an vivid dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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