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Chapter 19| Aurora

I stay seated not wanting to obey Jackson, i'm not his dog. "I said" He says as he grips my arm "Get up!" he yells and pulls me up. I gasp in pain as he takes the opportunity to kiss me.

I don't kiss back and start trying to escape his grip. "Love me!" he yells and digs his nails into my arm. I yell in pain as he sticks his tongue in my mouth.

Tears fall down my face as he swirls his tongue in my mouth. I kiss back not wanting this to be worst. He backs away and takes my blindfold off. He smirks and kisses my cheek "I knew you would obey" He says and leaves.

I spit on the floor, feeling disgusting as the feeling of his taste in my mouth. look around at the dark, cold, room.

No room, just fire illuminating the room. I try to undo the rope tying my hands together. I groan. "This thing is so tight" I say. I then start giggling.

"That's what he said" I say as i start giggling again. I keep on trying to untie as i feel the rope getting loose. I pull on the rope and it unties. "Yes" I whisper as i throw the rope to the side of the room.

I put my hands on my hips as i remember i have my phone in my pocket. I take it out and try to turn it on. "Fuck" I say as i put it back in my pocket. I sit down and rest my head on the wall.

I start getting a pounding headache. I rub my temples and close my eyes. I lay down on the hard surface and curl up in a ball. Before i know it i'm asleep.

Zander's POV

"Zander you need to sleep it's been 2 days" Dad says "No dad, it's all my fault. I should've never left her alone knowing Jackson was on the hunt for her" I say

"She's going to be alright" He says "No she's not! She could've gotten raped by him by now!" I yell. "The police said they're looking for her, right?" Dad says.

"They haven't found anything" I say "This kind of stuff takes patience" He says "I don't have patience dad! I want her right here, right now" I say

"Go get some sleep" Dad says "I don't need sleep!" I yell "You haven't slept in 2 days" He says "And i won't sleep until i find her" I say as i grab my jacket

"Where are you going?" dad asks "I need a distraction" I say "Are you going to go hook up with some random girl you don't know!" Dad yells at me

My lips start to quiver as i take a deep breath "I can't say" I say as tears fall down my cheeks. I wipe them and walk out the door.

Aurora's POV

I wake up. It feels like it's been a few days in here but i'm not sure. God i'm starving! I get up and look around, not knowing what to do.

We can say i'm bored out of my mind! I sigh, Zander must be worried as hell! Ugh! I pull my hair up and into a messy bun, luckily i still had a hair tie. The door opens and of course, Jackson is right there.

"Ah, come here beautiful" He says. I slowly walk over towards him, my hands shaking and my heart beating fast. He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Since you have been so good, how about you come with me to a room just for you" He says and grabs my hand as we walk through so many halls and doors, i couldn't keep track.

He opens the door revealing a beautiful room with a big bed and a door which i'm assuming is the bathroom. "You like it?" He asks. I nod and walk to the bed

I sigh in relief and lay down on it. "If you keep being good for me, you'll get all this, and more" He says as he runs his fingers over my arms, making me feel uncomfortable. "But if you start behaving bad" He drifts off

"You will have to face the consequences. Which, are not so pleasant" He says and reaches for my shirt.

I grab his hand but then place it on my shoulder as i reach in for a kiss. This is the worst punishment anyone can give me. The only kisses i want are from Zander.

I only want Zander.

Jackson smirks and kisses me back. He rubs my left thigh making me feel uncomfortable. He backs away and stands up. "I will be back tomorrow" He says and leaves.

"Thank the lords" I say and fall onto my bed. I sigh then the door opens once again revealing a girl that looks about 17. She puts a plate of food on my nightstand. Being scared of it having a drug or something in it i ask if she can taste it first.

"What does Jackson see in you?" She asks then groans and takes a spoonful of soup and swallows it. She also takes a drink of water and shows me she doesn't have anything in her mouth.

"Okay thank you" I say "Welcome" She says and starts heading towards the door. She then stops and looks at me. "Can i help you with something?" I ask "No, i just wanted to look at you, do you mind if i stay in here for a bit?" She asks

"I guess not. I need something to distract me anyway" I say "Yay" she says and closes the door. She has a bit more makeup than she should have but other than that she was beyond gorgeous.

"Jackson said your name is Aurora" She says. I nod "I'm Sabrina" She says "That is such a pretty name" I say "Not as pretty as yours! I would die to have your name" She says.

I smile "I love my name, it reminds me of my mom" I say, then, my smile fades into a small frown. Sabrina frowns too and furrows her eyebrows "What's wrong?" She asks.

"Whenever the topic of my mom or even just thinking about her makes me regret meeting Jackson" I say "What does Jackson have to do with this?" She asks

"Jackson murdered my mom" I say. Her eyes widen "Yours too" She says. I look at her in a weird way "What do you mean?" I ask. "Jackson murdered my mom a few years ago when i broke up with him, then he kidnapped me and i've been here for quite a few years.

"That's awful, i'm so sorry" I say. "He's been torturing me all this time. By the way don't eat what I brought. It has a drug that i've had to many times to affect me" She says.

"Thanks for telling me" I say. "He will force me to have sex with me, he keeps me in a small room with just a bed. You're so lucky to have this" She says. "I hate Jackson" I say.

"I'm glad you're here tho. The rest of the girls here are spoiled and so rude" She says "The other girls?" I ask "Jackson has like a collection of different girls he fucks. There's at least 8 in this building, without counting you and me" She says

"Damn" I say as my eyes widen "I'd be surprised if he doesn't have STDs" I say. That caused her to laugh. I laugh with her "It's true, how many does he fuck a day?" I ask "1 or 2, just to fit them all in a week" She says.

My eyes widen "And i'm still a virgin" I say. "Seriously?" She says. I nod "Then we need to change that" She says. I look at her in an odd way. "Sorry, i forgot you're probably straight" She says

"Sorry" I say "It's fine" She says "So you're les?" I ask "Bi" She says. "Oh" I say and she nods. "Whenever Jackson is extra horny he has a threesome with me and some other girl" She says

"Extra horny" I say with a small giggle. She giggles with me "It makes it less painful" She says "It's a 50/50" I say "Not a bad way to put it" She says. "Shit i gotta go. I'll come talk to you in the night if that's okay" She says "Sounds perfect!" I say

"Great! See you later Aurora" She says "Bye Sabrina" I say then she leaves. "At least something good happened" I say to myself. I look out the window and see the beauty of California.

Right now it's sunset so it's gorgeous! I just wish Zander was here to see this with me.



Ahaaa what did you think of Sabrina? I think she's awesome tbh. Next chapter will have more details of her and all that awesome crap. I had to update today and i will update tomorrow or probably later tonight. *cough 4 am *cough* xD

don't forget toooo






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