Already To Late

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Tom Pov.
*Beep*Beep*Beep* My eyes fluttered open to the sound of my alarm clock I quickly turn it off, once I did I got of bed in my P.J. which is just an  over sized shirt that reached to my upper thigh and some short boxers becuse I have to get a smaller size cause of my hour glass body cause I'm an omega I hide that from people because my family use to abuse me for that not my brothers and sister thought they were nice to my parents of coruse one of my brother was an omega but he has talent unlike me I now wear baggy clothes to hide it also wear shoes that make you taller. Anyway I quickly get my hoodie, new pair of boxers, a new shirt, some ripped black jeans, and lastly some blaxk low socks. I headed to the shower that's connected to my room. I turned on the shower put it on warm then quickly took off my clothes and went in. After finishing up I got changed into clothes I perpared. Once I got out of my room I went the kitchen I was a at the door way when I saw Tord my crush and Edd making out there backs turned to me I quickly and quietly rushed to my room shutting the door quietly then locking it, once I did tears started to spill from my eyes once they hit the floor I look down to see a puddle of a stary sky.

Your a monster

He doesn't love you

Why do your friends put up with you

Your an unlovable omega

The person you love hates you

I quietly stood up grabbed my phone texted my manager that I wasn't feeling well. Once that was done I looked around I found a box cutter on my desk all of a sudden I had an itch to feel pain so I slowly took the box cutter in my hand and pulled up my sleeves then started cutting into my skin I wasn't sadicfied untill ther was seven cuts on each arm I pulled my sleeves back down. I started to feel light head it started faiding into black then all of a sudden I felt softness on my back then darkness.

Tord Pov.
It was the best day of my life I just confessed to my crush Edd and he said he loved me back we even made out for a little bit. We stop when Matt came in because Edd said his inoccents needs to be saved. We all ate breakfast and went into the cooking studio we work at to find our manager.

**Time Skip**

It was the end of the day when me and my omega boyfriend (Edd) are snugling with Matt(Matt was told about Tord and Edd's relation ship) also on the couch watching movies when all of a sudden Matt's eye went wide and jumped up and yell "TOM!!" Amll of a sudden all me and Edd eye shot wide we just notice that Tom wasn't with us all day also that Matt was the one to rember that  Tom was gone. Matt ran to Tom room trying to open Edd and I were right behind him "THE DOOR IS LOCKED GUYS!!!!" Yell Matt "TOM OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!! " Edd yelled Matt now banging on the, all we hear was shuffling the frantic movement the tap water running a door open and close then tapping of feet getting closer then *Click* The beta(Matt) open the door and bear hugged Tom they fell to the  floor we all calmed down Tom looked up at me and Edd then his eyes all of a sudden look sadden.

**Smol Time skip**

We went are suppret ways when Tom explaind he was sick right now me Matt and Tom were asleep. But me and my omega BF were snuggling right now Edd feel asleep after a little while I soon to started to fall into darkness call sleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this first chapter more to come maybe even longer depends also this is tomtord/tordtom but just wait. Anyways see you later

Make Out with the Chef and Fuck the Baker(tomtord/tordtom)Where stories live. Discover now