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Bella woke up to her phone's alarm bleeping. She sighed and shut it off, forcing herself to open her eyes. She stretched her arms and legs and looked up at the ceiling, "fuck," she cursed and within a few seconds pulled her blankets away.

After turning on some music and dressing in a cute vintage shirt and ripped jeans, she slightly did her make-up (only some foundation and mascara) and left her room.

"Good morning," she smiled to her mom and dad behind the kitchen island and took some of the coffee from the refrigerator. She loved ice coffee, and especially in the mornings. She didn't have breakfast, as usually.

"Have you thought about the cheerleading position yet, honey? we think it'd-"

"I know, mom. It'd look great on my resume and I have the perfect fit for it, but-" Bella didn't finish her sentence, as Leila stormed into the house and took all the attention for herself.

Leila was Bella's best friend. She was great and sarcastic as fuck, but sometimes a little too much. Bella's parents weren't her biggest fan, they just had to accept that Bella wasn't ever going to let go of her.

"Sorry, miss and misses Davis, for.. almost breaking your door." Leila broke the silence and completely ignored bella's parent's jaws on the floor. Bella sighed and chuckled.

She put on her black heels and took a leather jacket for just in case. With her Fjallraven Kanken backpack on her back and her phone in her asspocket she left the house with Leila, mouthing a quick "bye" and "sorry" to her parents.

"You know, when I gave you the spare key for my house, I didn't mean you should never knock again."

Leila had a twin brother, Bella had always been a bit jealous of their relation. She always wanted a brother. Leila and Toby (her brother) weren't necessarily "inseperatable", but they almost never fought and they were always good to each other. Toby was also very popular in school, he was a irreplaceable part of the football team and everyone simply adored him.

During their free period Bella and Leila decided to go outside with their iced latte's and sit in the tribune across the football field.

"Oh look, the cheerleaders," Bella mocked sassily and Leila laughed. Ever since Bella started junior year her parents started panicking about colleges. They wanted her to get into the best colleges, thus, she needed to put more effort in school. Especially, her parents had begged her to join the cheerleaders.

"I'd rather die than shake my ass right in front of those jocks."

"And my brother." Bella laughed at Leila.

A few minutes passed, the football team was currently doing different exercises. Bella and Leila almost finished their coffees, they were getting a little bored.

"Do you think those.. suits.. are attractive?" Bella frowned to her own question, she hadn't seen many football games in her life, only now she noticed how overrated those football suits were.

"I think they're really ugly." Leila said and Bella nodded in complete agreement.

The period was coming to an end and the two girls walked down to the actual field, "Tobes!" Leila called for her brother and almost jumped him.

"Hi L, Bells." He greeted Leila and Bella, pushing his sister off of him.

"I can smell the coffee from a mile away," he grunted and the girls looked offended at him.

"Well you look like a piece of shit and you don't hear us bitching about it so shut your mouth," Leila said and Bella giggled. "K, k, jeez,"

"Anyways, mom wanted me to tell you that you left the oven on yesterday night and you almost burned the house to the ground, she sounded pissed so try not to get killed when you get home." Toby cursed to himself, the realization hit him.

The siblings started drifting off about family stuff, Bella couldn't really care less. Her eyes started paying attention to all the football players from Toby's team. When their helmets were off, and you could look at their faces, Bella saw how hot they all were. She may have been a bisexual, but sometimes she couldn't resist the utterly fangirl of cute aesthetic boys inside of her teenage mind. Maybe Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles aren't the only hot lads out there.

She tried to recognize some of the faces, or descriptions that Toby had given her and Leila, these people were his best friends after all.

"Bella!" Bella jumped and looked asides to Leila's confused stare, "bro, I've been calling your name for a thousand times!" She exclaimed and Bella exhaled, "what?"

"Clear your schedule tonight, we got a partaaay," Leila smirked and tickled Bella in her waist making her giggle out loud. She got the attention of at least six jocks, and at least five of them had their jaws on the ground. What was there to say? Bella literally means "beautiful" in French for fucks sakes.

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