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"Lee Haeun."

"Yah! Lee Haeun!"

That day, I thought I was hallucinating that you called me but I was wrong.


"Aigoo Haeun.. what are you doing?"

"Hm? what do you mean by what I'm doing?"

You laughed very loud that your ears were red at that time.

Why you still handsome when you are laugh too?

"I don't know that you are stupid, Haeun. Come here.. why are you still laying at there?"

I really embarrassed how forgot I was that day.

Well, I love laying at the rooftop so much now.

Now I know what you mean by what I was doing that time.

"Okay.. now I know what you mean by what I'm doing.. I love laying at the rooftop when lunch okay. The sky remembering me of you."


"Ah! No! I said the sky is so much beautiful these days." because of you.

"You are so funny."

"Wait. Why are you here? How do you know that I'm here? Everyone doesn't give me a shit that I'm here."

"Haeun. Language."

"Erk.. can you just answer my question?"

"It's just a simple question with a simple answer."

"Hm.. what the answer then?"

"Ara told me of course and by the way I want you to help me that's why I'm searching for you."

"Help? How strange. Why you want me to help you, Taehyung?"

"Help me to get close with Ara."

That day, my heart was broken.

I almost forgot that you like Ara.

Maybe because you find me at the rooftop that I forgot about the important thing.

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