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You and your mom finished a shopping spree. You didn't like them but hey you went anyway. You got to meet up with your best friend natasha. And she decided to go to your house and sleepover. Yay. You got to your house and you two decided to go up to your room you two played games until 4:30 pm. You two decided to go watch some TV. Your mom told you she's going to the bar with a few friends she also told you that the dinner is in the kitchen. You and Natasha decided to go visit your friend Marco and then eat dinner. After you and natasha went home you decided to eat dinner. You saw that your mom made pizza rolls. After you two ate it was 9:30pm. You two decided to watch your favourite show the simpsons. You two were eating ice cream and were 15 minutes in and then news flash. It said that there was a murderer you two locked all the doors and windows. You two then saw him. He was in front of your house waiting there... Just waiting. You two ran to your bedroom. You could see him trying to open the door.. Thank god it was a door witch you could only open with fingerprints. He ran away and you watched him running to... Marcos house. You had to help him. He wasn't far away and you two called the cops, luckily they weren't far away so they came in about five minutes, they saw no one but we said that we did so they tried looking for fingerprints on the door. They found one... Just one? 'how' I thought to myself my sweat broke. Me and natasha looked at each other with terrified faces. We decided to go home. We saw our door slightly open. We got scared I texted my mom.
'mom are you home' she replied 'I'm at RedRum'. We decided to go to a nearby hotel and stay there for two nights. The day we decided to go to my house we saw a note in front of it. It said 'honey I went to redrum again ill be back in a few hours -mom' I was OK with it. I saw that murderer was still out so I walked to natashas house and texted my mom ill be at natashas for the night.
Time skip to 21:30pm.
We were watching the news channel while natashas mom was making us dinner. She brought us pasta and we ate. Then there was another news flash it showed us what the murderer looks like. I thought It looked familiar.
I told natasha to pause the news flash and she did. I opened my gallery and saw a picture of my mom I looked at the TV again... That was my mom.. I started crying and natasha and her mom calmed me down. Then me and natasha wanted to know more information. We googled what RedRum was and there were no pictures of a bar. I told natasha "maybe it means something if we read it backwards" natasha replied "yeah maybe it does" then I stared reading "M.. u... r... d.. e... r"  me and natasha looked at each other she had worry,sadness and felt bad for me in her eyes while I had anger and disgust. I called the police and told them my mother's location. Then we decided to watch news live... And then we saw it my mom getting arrested I was filed with happiness and a bit of sadness knowing I would probably never see my mother again. Natashas mom told me "you can stay with us and we can go get your clothes and personal items" after 10 minutes we arrived at my  house. It was being searched by the police. We explained to them that we needed my stuff so I can move to their house. One of the policemen helped us get my items. He also drove us to get papers signed so I can live with them. I was so happy living with them and so was natasha.
Time skip 1 year later
Still living with natasha and her mom.
One day we had a field trip to prison.
I saw my mom there I looked at her proud of myself and wishpered to her 'I know your secret'.

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