happy ending? no, not for me...(one shot)

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i was born to be alone, not so rich, not famous....

in school, they tease me, said i am a witch, a freak,but i don't have to ask why...cause i am black, not my skin color, my dress is, my make up is,i am fond of wearing those things, it makes me happy.

i am a freak, yes mabe i am but i know how to love, actually i was once inlove, i am 17 then, he felt the same way too, we were happy, so happy  after being with him, i started to have friends, they talk to me, maybe because migo's attractive, he can handle everything...

everything's perfect, until one day, he suddenly changed.......

"ara!, migo's looking for you, he's at the gym." lara said

and i saw in her face the worried look, i know something's wrong

before i left, i looked at lara again. she just gave me the sorry look

now i'm scared, maybe migo already knows that i failed from my 2nd term examination. i'm doomed........


"what is happening to you ara, i thought you were studying? are you planning to make me look like a fool, mom would hate you for being so stupid!" he yelled at me, thank goodness it's just us who's inside the gym, i can't afford the embarassment if someone would hear us.

"i-i told you, i g-got sick a week before the 2nd term examination, i c-can't concentrate much, i- i'm sorry migo, but you don't have to worry, it's just a second term exam-"

" a 2nd term examination and still you got failed, how stupid can you get!!!" he shouted at me again, 

we've been together for almost two years and i can't understand why the sudden change,

i really felt like crying but i am trying  not to cause he surely wouldn't care.

"i-it's your fault that i'm mad right now, i-i'm sorry, ill get you home." he then hold my hand, i was hesitant, i love him and it makes me so happy everytime he touches my hand but still it doesn't change the fact that the migo i loved is gone.

i was silent,,,,,he was too, until we reached my place, he never talked, he opened the door for me to get down, he escorted me until the front gate of our house, kissed me in the  cheeks and left, after he closes his door, i called him....

"m-migo," he looked at me


"i-i love you..." i said...but to hurt me more, he just smile and told me to review then left

"so much..." i wishpered...

i hurridly entered the house, ran into my room and cried my heart out, i love him so much, i know that he doesn't feel the same way anymore and i wanted to set him free but i can't cause i love him

i don't where this love could take me but i will holdon to it, even if it tears my heart apart.

after the incident where it concerns me failing the exam, he changed a lot worse than before, he doesn't call me, or send me a message, i even go home alone,,,, 

i always try to call him but he's always busy

at school. i tried to ask lara, cause she is a close friend of migo but she can't answer me straight,

all i did was wait,,,,

then our anniversary came, i was so excited, i planned a surprise dinner for him and i wanted it to be special,

i baked a cake for him, then i went to their house......

well after i arrived, i was a bit surprised cause it seems that there was a party being held at their home, and migo disn't even try to tell me?

i still went inside looking for him when the man on the stage that i believe migo's brother spoke,,,

"i am so happy that everyone's here, see i love my brother so much and i am so glad that he finally realized what he's been missing the whole 2 years of his life, but know choosing a right woman's the bravest thing he did, and now i welcome to the family, lara asuncion, migo's fiance,,,,,"

the crowed cheered for the couple, at the stage i saw migo and lara, looking so inlove with each other....

i felt my tears started to fall down, i dropped the cake i baked for him, all along, it's lara that he loves and not me.....

how can i be so stupid and naive,,,,,,

dropping the cake i was holding became the distraction of the audience and before i left, i looked at migo who was now staring at me, even lara who looked very apologetic.

i closed my eyes, turned around and ran away,,,,

i am so stupid....

why do i have to fall inlove so deeply and get hurt so bad....

i was about to call for a taxi when i heard him calling my name...

"ara please wait, i can explain."he said 

i slowly turned around and face him

"there is nothing to explain migo, i saw what i need to see, and i am so glad that finally you are happy."i smiled

"i-i'ts just that, m-mom and d-dad liked lara so much, and-"

"please migo, all i wanted is for you to be happy, that's how i love you so much..."

i took all the courage left in me then i kissed him,,,, a long one,,,then i hugged him tight

"migo, you are everything to me, you showed me how much you loved me before and i thank you so much for that, my heart, my heart belongs to you,,, i won't be waiting for you anymore cause you've found her, seeing you happy with her is enough for me,,,goodbye migo,,,, i-i love you,,,,,,so much...." then i walked away, i cried my heart out, it was broken,,,,,,,,like a mirror, once destroyed, it can never be fixed again..... never.....


3 years later, i am succesful chef now,

but still alone,,,,,

i never fell inlove with someone in three years, just migo, after the graduation, i've never heard of him,,,, 

maybe true love will come my way when the right time comes, but as of now, while waiting for that time, i'll still have migo here in my heart, no matter what, 

even though it's hard,,,,

no matter how it hurts.......

happy ending? no, not for me...(one shot)Where stories live. Discover now