Something you'll never say

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So, this is not something I usually do, but here we go. So I made you a poem and I hope you like it. Here we go.

How do tell you?
How can I describe,
What I want you to do.

Why of all people him?
Standing there with his brown eyes.
They're perfect, just like those of a sim.

I'm falling too hard.
Don't worry, I tried to stop it.
I just didn't know where to start.

Lying everytime.
My friends had their suspisions.
I brushed them of, everytime.

I'm sick of hiding this.
I'm sick of lying.
But, I can't change it, this is how it is.

I'm so done with people asking me.
Who do you love?
Him, but you hate him too much, so I'm not telling you, you see.

I keep saying it's gone and dead.
The feeling I have.
But in reality, it's only getting fed.

I love you so much, it's killing me.
I love you too much to let you go.
I love you too much to be free.

My friends called you that.
I agreed with them.
But really, that only made my sad.

I hide everything.
I hide it from my friends family.
I hide my love for you, my king.

You're too handsome to be true.
Your blond hair, your brown eyes.
But I'm far too ugly for you

It's not who you think it is.
No his name doesn't start with a D or a T.
I bet you're surprised by this.

I'm so dumb to think you'd love me.
Because you're already holding her hand.
Holding it up so everyone can see.

The sun.
The beatiful sunny day.
I love you.
But that's something I will never hear you say.

It sucks, I know. I kind of just wanted to tell you I love you and I really hope that we could be together one day. I know you already have her and you're everything but interested in me, but I'm still hoping. I'm still hoping that one day, you feel the same. I really do love your smile. It shines so bright. I love your theories about everything and anything, which sometimes actually make sense. I love your hair, I know you absolutely hate it. You said it yourself. I really like it! Heh, this letter is a mess. It's just me telling you some things that I like about you. I really wanted to put my heart into it, but I guess it didn't go quite as planned. I can't really tell you how much I love you. I can't find the words that I need. Language is amazing, until you actually need it. I know nothing makes sense, I just don't know what to write. So I'll just try to put it all in one sentence.
I love you, but you already have someone else, so be happy with her, she deserves it.


~Izzy Lion

To all the boys I've ever loved contestWhere stories live. Discover now