Chapter 1

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The smell of Dish Soap, Vinegar, and Bleach filled the room as I scrubbed down hard on the black and white tiles of my kitchen floor. It Saturday which meant cleaning day in my mother's eyes, to me it was just another day to sulk.

"Alisha you better be scrubbing those floors like your ass depend on it. I wanna see my face in those tiles." My mother's 2010 Red and Black Vacuum cleaner turned on once more while she hummed away.

I stood up and brushed off my pants, throwing the old torn blue rag on the kitchen counter. I sighed and grabbed a pack of Oreos and my phone and trudged upstairs. "Mom I'm done with the floors, feel free to double check." I yelled down the hallway.

I walked into my room and gently closed the door, grabbing my blanket and computer and settling into my comfortable bed. I logged into my school account and finished some of my homework before putting my computer aside and pulling out my phone to log into Instagram.

I scroll on the explore page until I find a post that catches my eye:

I scroll on the explore page until I find a post that catches my eye:

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@/ybnnahmir: Who dat baddie over there?💦

@/ybnglizzy: I see her to bro 😍
@/ybnlover: omg namhir 💦
@/stacyruth:that baddie is me so y'all can back up
@/ybnnamhir: @/ybnglizzy you already know bro

I tapped on his profile and scrolled through his photos silently smiling at the way he posed or smiled.

I called up my best friend from all the way back since kindergarten. She picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" Olivia answers the phone the same way she answers a cute boy, breathless. "Hey, you wanna go to Hoppin' Burgers tonight and chill at Kronies afterwards." On Saturday's this was our regular routine. Grab a burger and fries at Hoppin' Burgers and chill out at the overly friendly arcade called Kronies.

"Sure I would love to I'll be over in ten minutes to pick you up." I rushed to my closet and grabbed my burgundy pants that said Boujee along with a Fourth of July crop top even though it was well past July. I grabbed my phone on the dresser and went to the bathroom.

I opened up the camera and took a picture and came back out while grabbing my shoes.

I opened up Instagram and posted the photo:

@/coldheartedlishaaa: She bad and boujee 🤟🏽

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@/coldheartedlishaaa: She bad and boujee 🤟🏽

💛: 1,789 and itsoliviaaa like your photo

@/itsoliviaaa: yessss boo work it.
@/ybnlover: saw you liking Nahmir's photos, stay away he's mine lol
@/coldheartedlishaaa: @/itsoliviaaa yeah ik😂

I scrolled down and came across Olivia's post. She was sitting in a car.

@/itsoliviaaa: Shine bright like a diamond 💎

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@/itsoliviaaa: Shine bright like a diamond 💎

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I put down my phone as soon as the doorbell rang. "Mom I'm going out with Livy, I'll be back before ten tonight."

I raced down the stairs and out the door but not before my I heard my mom yell down for us to be safe.

"God woman what room you so long?" I laughed, "It's cleaning day remember?" Olivia just shook her head. She plugs in the Aux Cord and starts playing some rap music. I turn down the volume and turn to her. "Who the hell is that?"

"Girl that's YBN Nahmir." I gasp and quickly cover it up with a fake cough. Olivia looks at me and then back at the road. "Let me play some of his music for you. It's super dope."

Little did I know I'd be coming across more then his music that day.

A/N: Hi babies, so glad that you could join me on this little YBN adventure that I'm about to take you on. Stay tuned for the behind the scene characters.

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