Chapter 4

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Sunday 4:14 a.m.

"I don't believe you!" I give Olivia a looks of disbelief. "Really Olivia? You can trust someone that you just met, but you can't trust your bestfriend who's been there for you through everything?" I scoff and get off my bed.

"Lish that's not what I'm saying. He was just so nice to us." I shake my head.

"You don't get it do you Olivia? He was nice to you. And you only. But of course you don't see that. You never do."

I grab a towel and some shorts. "I'm going to take a shower."

Olivia nodded and grabbed her phone.

After Nahmir treating me the way he did and then Olivia treating me the way she is doing, I really just wanted to get away. So when my mom told me we were going to Florida for two weeks I hurried to answer yes.

In the shower I scrubbed up and down and got out and dried off. Pulling my wet braids from off my face I wrapped them in a towel and headed back into my room.

"Lish?" I ignored Olivia and instead turned on my Christmas lights that lined my window and turned on some music.

I got out my suitcase, grabbing clothes from my closet and drawers. A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in." My mom walked in and handed me an extra suitcase.

I frowned. "What is this for?" As soon as I said that my dad came around the door. "DADDDDYYYY" I rushed over to give him a hug.

"Hey bug, hey Olivia." Olivia got up and gave him a side hug. I rolled my eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go now Mrs. Biggs. Bye Lish." I waved and walked over to my closet to grab my on the go items to pack.

"What's gong on Alisha? You and Livvy aren't the same anymore."

"I really don't ....."

To Be Continued😘

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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