New sch99l....9h 69y...

22 0 0

'Me, my father and Kat have lived in a small t9wn 9ur wh9le lives, i havent lived in a city EVER! Im terrified! I d9nt kn9w h9w triggering everything is 9r if i am triggering t9 pe9ple! Its s99 scary! And i w9nt have any friends. I d9nt want t9 6e here!'

Kankri sighed as they pulled up to the house.

"Kankri? Y9ur stuff is is in the 6ack 9f the car.." Signless smiled at Kankri but he just looked away.

"9kay.." Kankri sighed and grabbed his things.
Kankri walked up the stair to see his room. It was really big.
It was the biggest the whole house.

(Kankri's pov)

You smiled and put your stuff on the bed, yoy put your books on the shelves, put you clothes away and clean the room, the dust, the dirt, the EVERYTHING.

Three hours later and your done, you smile to your self when you hear a knock at the door.
"A kn9ck?" You say to yourself silently.

You walk down to the stairs and to the door.
You open the door to see a a tall girl will long braids and a boy with greased back hair. They we VERY tall.

You were 5'3 and the girl was about 5'8 and the boy was 5'9. You hated that about you... your height..

You sigh to yourself then speak.
"Hell9 there.. im Kankri.. h9w may i help y9u tw9?" Ypu tilt your head slightly.

"Oh hiya, im Cronus and this is Meenah. Your newv here so wve can to say hi" he smiled a little bit.

"Y-Ea)(, y-Ea)(, what )(-E said.."
She rolled her eyes and i looked away quite... triggered..

(Sorry ^^ i suck at typing like her)

Cronus leened over to and whispered in my ear.
"Sorry about her.. shes vwery.... stubborn" he chuckled slightly, Meenah rolled her eyes.

"Well hell9, I'm Kankri, Kankri Vantas." I smiled and Cronus smiles.

"I'm Cronus, Cronus Ampora." He smiled again.

"God, im fuckin' l-Eaving, I'm bor-Ed as s)(it!" She walks away angrily. Weird but rude.

"Im so sorry Kankri." He chuckles nervously.

"N9 n9 its fine Cr9nus shes just angry and i d9nt kn9w why."

"Thank you for understanding" he smiled.

"Anyvway, Kankri, vwhat school ya' going to?" Cronus asked.

"H9mestuck high.."
((I know im soooo creative))

"Oh! I go there! So dies Meenah!" Cronus smiled.

"C99l...." I shrugged.

"Cr9nus, h9w o9ld are y9u?" I tilted my head.

"16, wvhy?" He smirk. God.

"S9 y9ur sh9phm9re... i am t99.."

"Cool d9llface, anyvway gotta go, see ya later babe.." he smirked and i blushed slightly. 'D-d9llface...'

"Also.." he hands me a piece of paper.
"Here." He smirk widely.

"Thank y9u? Have a nice day... 6ye.."

He waves any walks away and I close the door and turn are to see Kat.

"HEHE YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND" he grins a toothy grin.

"n9 Kat, hes just a friend. N9t even.. thats the first time we've met"
I sigh.

"SURREEE! ANYWAY IM GOING TO THE PARK" he walks out the door.


"6ye.." I sigh and walk upstairs.

I open the piece of paper to read a... code?
Its his number.

I cleaned the house.... and my room.... and i have nothing to do...
I sigh and pick up the phone.

I dial his number in and call and he answered immediately.

"Hey! Howv's it hangin'?"

"Hell9, im g99d. H9w are y9u?" I tilt my head.

"Hehe im good cheif! Im happy that your good! Hehe!" Cronus chuckled. It was cute.

"Thank y9u hehe" I laughed a little bit.

"Soo wvanna wvalk to school together tommarovw?"

"Sure..Why? if i may ask..."

"Hmm i dont knovw i wvanna get to knovw ya" I felt his wink through the phone.

"9h well.. I say yes.
6e at my h9use 6y 8:30. If thats a g99d time f9r y9u..."

"That's great! I'll be there! Talk to ya later, babe!"

~phone call ended~

((Hii! Its me Kai!
I hope you enjoyed
And i hope you'll like this book ^^
I love you! Bye bye! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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