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Calm, good, controlled, bright, organized, orderly...
If someone asked me how i'd describe my life, this would've been the first few words that came to my mind.
And now, while I was staring at my laptop, I felt all the words turn into the opposite.
Awful, bad, nasty, ugly, completely mixed up.


Usually when Kirstin wrote omg it meant that she found something awesome that she wanted to show me.

You have to see this.

But she found something disgusting.

I'm so sorry mitchy.

I closed my eyes. The first time I clicked on the link I was curious. I didn't know what to expect.

Somehow I always knew that someday my nudes would get leaked. But I never expected it to be NOW.

Right now when my life was nearly perfect. When everything seemed in order. When I wanted to start my career as music producer/teacher. When I was happy and content. Single.

Everything smashed down in this few seconds when I opened the link Kirstie sent me. When I saw the pictures. The pictures of me. Naked. Kneeling. With Travis dick in my mouth.

I wanted to vomit. I wanted to punch Travis. I wanted to cry. I wanted to smash my laptop close and just forget that I ever saw it. But I couldn't. I was shocked and my mind was racing.

Who else got the link? Who else saw me naked? Who posted this pics and where else? Could I ever walk through university without getting weird looks? Is this going to have consequences for my career?  OMG, what if my family....

But that wasn't enough.

After the first shock i scrolled further.
890 comments. 890. Under only one pic.

Hot boycunt.

Yeah thats just like you deserve it, whore!

Suck it slut

Ew fuckn trans!!!!!

Girl or Boy? Honestly i don't care as long as he sucks my cock.

Wanna fuck Mitchell Grassi?

Only now I noticed that the page had my FULL name and age. How...?!?

Why would I deserve that? I was always being nice and well-behaved.

Well, seems like someone thought I deserved that. And this someone also shot those photos of me. Told me, no one but himself would see this.


Naive right? Letting your -now ex- boyfriend take pictures of you; nudes. I always thought that he's a nice, good, lovely boy. But after I broke up with him...he changed.

But I'd nerver thought that he would go this far. Fucking bastard.

This night I couldn't sleep. The ugly Internetvoices were haunting me. Everytime I closed my eyes, men were shouting at me; suck it bitch!  deeper fucking cunt! You ugly gay!

Even Kirsties spontaneous visit, which contained ice cream, tears and a lot of  reassuring from her, couldn't cheer me up.

Many other sleepless nights followed but I knew I had to get myself back together and act like Travis hadn't ruined my life.

And just like that, two weeks later I had everything under control again.

At least I thought so.

When I rushed to my class this morning I kept my eyes on the ground like I've done it the last two weeks to avoid awkward glances. But this time I should've looked up because the next thing I saw was Scott Hoying's hand collapsing with my face. I fell on my back, pain shooting through my body. I tasted blood and noticed that my lip was bleeding. I looked around confused. It was weird how many legs there were standing in this small corridor. How loud it was. Why were people shouting? Just then I realized what was going on. Scott was now sitting on another man and his hand which caused my fall was now in his face. Punching the shit out of him. And then I've heard a terrifying whimper and Scotts head snapped towards me.

Oh, this noice came from me. Could I just stop being so dramatic?

Now, that Scott stopped his attack I could see the face he had demolished.

It belonged to Travis.

I stopped breathing and closed my eyes again.

What the fuck is going on?

"Oh my gosh Mitch did I hit you?"

Scott's worried voice filled my ears and I looked up. There he stood. Like he had forgotten that he was fighting with Travis right now. He helped me up and put his hands on my waist to steady me. Fuck, I felt so exposed and I still couldn't breathe because his fucking hands felt so good there. And now one hand wandered to my face to lift my chin up before he looked me up and down. I still bled and my lip was swollen. My blood dripped down on Scotts hand. And I liked it.

I like bleeding on Scott Hoying.

Okay, I obviously got a concussion.

"You're bleeding"

"Youre fault"

"Show me."

And I let him take my hand from my face which had covered my lips. Because I let Scott Hoying do everything with me. Sadly he didn't do much with me. Hopefully that will change now.
Maybe he's magical powers. To cure my lip. With his lips. I giggled.

Scott is magical, otherwise he couldn't handle his three jobs and his art study at the same time. And he's big, like reallyy big. Okay maybe that's because of genes and not magic. He's blond with blue eyes and flawless skin. He's a guy at my college like every other guy. But that's not true. His face... It's not that kinda perfect you imagine when you think about hot college guys. His chin is too big, his eyes small, his teeth too white....wait that made no sense. But he has like no eyebrows. And seriously, he always looks a lil bit clumsy. But right now, when he looks at me so directly, I can't breathe, can't do anything.

So I'm standing here and let him examine my plump lips.

What a great day.

I might write a book to this story. It's inspired by the book Caroline and West, so yeah here you have the gay version, I hope you enjoyed it.

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