⚠️f slur,blood,bullying⚠️
"Tomorrow a new student will be transferring here, his name is Felix. Treat him like you want to be treated. Now moving on to today's lunch" The teacher said in a tone similar to a robot.
I sat in my assigned seat, which was in the second to last row. There usually wasn't new students let alone transfers because no one wants to go to this school. Who would want to be in a school where you get bullied for breathing?
I doodled on a spare piece of scratch paper I didn't need since class ended in a minute anyway, but that was interrupted by someone hitting me. This is a daily occurrence for me so it doesn't really bother me, but today is different.
A couple days ago we were playing volleyball in our gym and I went to hit the ball but it hit my finger. I thought it was just a sprain or jam but I somehow broke my finger in fucking volleyball. The worst part is we had to crawl across the gym on our hands and knees, which made everything hurt more.
The person's hand hit my cast extremly hard and the pain was unbearable. I tried my best not to scream and cry from the pain, which made the bully laugh. She smiled an evil smile filled with hatred.
"Feel good gayboy? How did you even break your finger on a volleyball?" The moment turned comical as Changbin shrugged because he didn't know either. The scene was interrupted by the ring of the bell telling them to head to their next class. The bully seemed to be in a good mood today, which was different but Changbin silently did finger guns at himself in the mirror.
This would soon change the next day
Changbin sat in his seat while tapping his fingers on his desk to pass time. It was seventh hour social studies and the teacher was sitting at their desk, not paying attention to anything happening around her. Class was no where near over. The room was suprisingly silent besides the air conditioners blasting cold air into the small room.
A quiet knock interrupted the silence. The teacher went to answer it, on the other side was a boy with dyed orange hair and a nervous look. The teacher whispered something into his ear and he nodded. He made his way to the front of the classroom.
"This is Felix, he is your new classmate. Be nice to him" The teacher whispered something into Felix's ear and pointed to the back of the classroom. The boy nodded and walked to where the teacher pointed. He came back into sight with a desk, the teacher whispered something into his ear and he nodded.
Felix then dragged his desk next to mine. He flashed me a big smile as he was digging through his bag for a pencil. Changbin kept his gaze on the boy until he looked up with a small smile.
"Need something?"
Changbin did need something. A pencil. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of a new student though..
"I forgot my pencil.."
Changbin said in a quiet voice. His shyness made Felix smile and as he went to give him the pencil, he held on a little longer than needed.
Changbin couldn't think clearly all day. The freckled boy clouded his thoughts, and when he tried to think of anything else he would immediately switch back to him. To make it even worse, Felix sat next to him and was always willing to talk, and maybe, get a little touchy.
Changbin walked into the room and saw his classmates doing the usual, hitting eachother and just being annoying. It was normal to him by now, it felt weird to not hear someone making a bet about who could break their arm first. Changbin doodled in his sketchbook that he brought for a creative assignment, the pencil glided smoothly across the page to form a face. He kept drawing until he recognised who it was.
Just then Felix walked in, his smile widening and his eyes sparkling. The boy looked even happier than usual, which Changbin didn't think was possible. As he sat down his happiness didn't fade at all, actually he got even brighter. That made him curious.
"What are you so happy about?"
Felix turned to him, his bright smile blinding Changbin.
"I made a new friend!"
Changbin nodded.
"What's their name?"
Felix paused before squeezing his eyes shut and practically screaming the name.
Changbin froze. Chungha. Chungha is the girl that had been bullying him this year. He doesn't know what she's actually like. I need to tell him before she does something to him.
"Felix...Chungha is a bully. She has been bullying me all this year. Please don't be friends with her, she's going to hurt you"
Felix's smile quickly faded. Then he nodded.
"Whoever hurts you is my enemy"
Changbin was walking down the hallway when he was suddenly grabbed and pushed into a room. The room was his 7th hours classroom and the person that pulled him in was Chungha. A couple of her friends were behind her trying to look intimidating, but failing.
"I know what you told Felix. Why are you trying to ruin my plans? If you think I have some sort of crush on him then you're wrong, in fact I want to ruin his life. I'm already doing shit to you do you want to get more?"
Changbin assumed that Chungha was just jealous of his building friendship with Felix, but the fact that she was trying to do that to Felix pissed him off. Changbin swung a fist at Chungha and hit her nose, the impact made her head turn. She looked at Changbin with an angry gaze and blood running down her lips. She wiped the blood off and motioned her four friends to beat him up.
The girls pinned Changbin to the ground and began to take off his shoes. One girl lifted the shoe over his face and hit Changbin across the face harshly. All of them started beating him with his shoes and their own. Screams of pain left his mouth. Blood started to spurt from scrapes and cuts from the edges of their shoes.
Suddenly the pain stopped, Changbin opened his eyes to see the four girls smiling down at him. A piece of glass came into sight as one of the girls raised up his arm. He struggled but she managed to stabilize him enough to start cutting him. The glass dug into his skin, more blood oozed from the deep cuts. They carved letters into him, letters that would scar.
"F-A-G" Chungha taunted.
They had just finished carving the big letters when somone burst into the room. It was Felix,and he looked pissed.
"What the hell are you doing to Changbin?! How fucking evil are you Chungha? Get the fuck off him you fucking witch!" Felix angrily spat.
The girls separated and glared at Felix. Changbin was about to pass out when Felix picked him up and began to walk put of the room.
I'm so sorry for not having this up sooner. I really don't have an excuse. Also this chapter is way too long so the next part will have the smut in it. Sorry again it'll be up in a couple days or so yeet
Gay Kpop smut book no heteros allowed
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