Chapter 2: Oh Look, It's Me

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Tears sneaked out of my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I haven't seen Noah in about eight years. It almost seemed unreal.
Instantly I remembered us playing tag in the backyard of our house, years ago. Our parents reassuring us that everything will go well before the first day of school. Us sitting in the living room of our old house, watching cartoons. It all seemed like yesterday.
I was only half listening to my friends asking me if I was alright.
I was unaware of my mascara running.
I didn't care, which was rare.
I ran towards my dead brother, my hair behind me, without a care in the world.
He put his head up from his book and looked at me like I was crazy.
"Uhh, Acacia, why are you crying?" He snickered.
My arms acted as if they had a mind of their own and wrapped around Noah.
I rested my head on his shoulder. "I missed you so much." I said between sobs.
Noah pulled me away from him. "Sheesh, that was kind of dramatic, we just saw each other before school."
I stifled a laugh.
I felt a buzz in my back pocket.
It was a notification from my phone.
Man, was this thing old, what was it? An iPhone X? How old fashioned. It's crazy how technology advances over the years.
I looked at the date on my iPhone, it was Friday September 24th, 2018. Wow. I let out a deep breath.
It actually worked.
I mean, obviously, I'm in my old high school cafeteria. But to actually see the progress I've made..
I looked back at the date. September 24th. Oh my god, that would mean.. in about 2 days, Noah was due to die.
No. Stop it, Acacia, I thought to myself. You are going to save him. He is not going to die. If he did, what was this whole thing for? Nothing.
I was going to save Noah from the fire.
This is so insane, I thought to myself over and over again.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a strange business man in a black suit and black sunglasses with a black hat who seemed to be..watching me? I shook my head and tried to ignore it.
Behind me I heard footsteps that seemed to be approaching me.
I turned around to see Sebastian, Vivian, and Adric running towards me.
"Hey," Sebastian said.
"You were crying," Vivian noted.
"Did something happen?" Adric said, his voice with a hint of concern, I noticed he had an arm around Vivian. I smiled at the two.
"No, nothing's wrong," I assured them.
Sebastian grabbed both my hands and asked, "Are you sure, Acacia? You don't really seem like yourself."
I moved my hands from out of his reach. "I'm fiiiiine," I said, irritated.
Sebastian raised his hands as if I were accusing him of a crime.
I rolled my eyes.
Sebastian studied me as if trying to read my mind,his eyes piercing into mine like daggers.
Suddenly, I felt a hand in my pocket. I turned and saw Noah, stealing money from my pocket.
"Hey!" I screamed in protest. "You little doofus!"
Noah laughed and stuck his tongue out.
I crossed my arms.
"Okay, okay. I just want to buy a chocolate bar," Noah pouted.
I smirked at him.
My smirk quickly faded and chills went down my neck when I noticed the guy in a suit was still staring at me. He had a tag on his suit, maybe his name, maybe for a company of some sort he worked for, but I was too far to be able to read it.
I cleared my throat and whispered nonchalantly to the rest, "That man is staring at me. At us." I nodded my head towards his direction.
"That's very odd" Vivian said, pushing her glasses upwards.
"Yeah," Adric said in agreement.
Sebastian put an arm on my shoulder protectively, looking at the man as if to say, "fight me. I'm ready."
I pushed his arm off my shoulder. I wanted to tell him off for being so overprotective about me. It was quite annoying.
I don't know what I ever saw in Sebastian, honestly. He's a basic jock. With almost zero personality traits. Of course, I wouldn't tell him that.
I sighed.
Noah looked up at me. "What does that dude want, Acacia? He won't go away." He looked at the mysterious man.
I smiled at him reassuringly. "I don't know, Noah," I told him. "It's probably nothing."
"Okay.." He said, I noticed a slightly nervous tone in his voice.

The bell rang, indicating the next period. I was about to walk away with my friends to our class when I saw...a girl...who looked oddly familiar, coming into the cafeteria.
Oh, right.
Because that girl was me.

A/N: Comment your opinion!

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