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I ran hoping to find him. Hoping nothing had happened to him. 

The wind blew hard into my face, suspending my hair behind me, mid-air. My bare feet pounded the floor lightly, first my heels landing then rolling on to my toes as I pushed off again. The rhythm of my sprinting was steady and fast, I could run forever at this speed, although it wasn't fast enough. I need to see his dark chocolate brown eyes laced with his black eyelashes, to feel his fingers entwined with mine, to smell the distinguished scent that stays with him, to taste his lips against mine, to know he is safe and will always be as long as we are together.

The streets were deserted more and more as I distanced myself further away from the town centre. Cars were crashed into lamp posts and trees, some had driven into houses, most would probably have gotten to the town centre in search of food to stock up their supplies not knowing the dangers that lay there, hidden in the shadows of alleys and in the branches of the trees-sheilded by the leaves. My mouth watered at the thought of fresh food to sustain my body.

I passed the houses, doors open from the panicked rush. Windows were smashed from the predators that had passed through and found the ones that had been left behind to die.

My fingers tingled and sparked as my thoughts returned to Cole. I had to get to him. If I didn't then all of this was worthless, he was the reason I allowed this to happen. The thought of him dead-or worse-pained me so much, ripping an empty hole inside me and pushed me to sprint faster. Each second that passed only meant more danger and pain. Danger that we couldn't even begin to understand and a pain that was tipping the scales towards unbearable.

I wasn't far from his house now .

What if something had happened to him? No! I can't think like that. Not now. My body was aching to see him and ensure his safety. I reached his house and the pain winded me like a punch to my gut. All the air escaped my lungs with one breath as I stopped right in front of his door, not processing what had happened.

 The front door had been broken open, the door framed cracked and barely standing up. My hands were shaking from the pain that flooded me. I had to break through it though. I had to find him. 

First I checked the dark blue kitchen, no sign of him there, although oddly the cupboards were stocked fully, not one thing had been moved out of place, until I checked the fridge and the freezer-no meat anywhere, he is a vegetarian but there would always be meat for when I ate here. Something was wrong.

The house was unusually cold.

The living room had no sign of him either, there had been a knocked over bottle of beer that had been half full right where Cole usually sits though which scared me. The downstairs bathroom was empty, and so were the closets. I rushed upstairs, my only hope.


I collapsed on his bed and his unique scent comforted me slightly. I wanted to sleep forever and for the pain to stop, then again the pain could help me remember him and what he meant to me. The worst part of this is the fact that I don't actually know whether he is dead, or alive and in danger or alive and safe.

If he was alive I would live my new life trying to find him and protect him, the thought of him being kept alive in terrible conditions for unknown reasons killed me emotionally. If he was dead, how could I go on living without him?


After the long rest on his bed with his comforting scent I was ready. I had no choice. Time was up, I couldn't last any longer without it. I'd have to hunt the streets for the deserted and weak. For blood.

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