Chapter 4: Flashbacks

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(Sorry this is late. I just started school so  my scheduale is kinda wonky. I hope you enjoy. This is kinda a filler though.)

That was the least restful night I have had in a while. I lie in my bed staring at the ceiling. I heard Clint on the phone downstairs, "Tony, listen. She's just a kid. We can't let her go back. She needs to understand first, but not now". I slowly got out of bed and slipped on my shoes. Great my phone is back in the jet. I make my way downstairs hoping that Clint won't notice I left the house. "And where do you think you're going?". Damn, he caught me. "I need to grab my phone. I left it in the jet, and dad always told me that I can go anywhere without it" I felt his gaze pierce me but I needed my phone. "Alright. That seems like a good answer."

I open my phone, hoping for any contact from anyone back home, but nothing was there. A feeling of panic arose. Why haven't they contacted me yet? Is Phoenix stable? When can I go home? Everything made me think back to when everything started, back to my incident

What were the images and scenes I had? The thought of seeing Phoenix back in his chamber felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach, why would this person show me such a terrible time in my life? Did this person want me to suffer so much? Or with the images of Peter? But the last one was honestly the most confusing. I had never seen this but I had a strange sort of connection to that moment. I knew the man from Thor description at Phoenix's part, Loki, his brother who had died back during Wakanda. The woman, on the other hand, I had never seen in my life. I had heard that about the time Dad took me in a member of the Avengers was killed on a mission, but I never knew who they were.

I decided that it would be best if I stayed in the spare room for the day.

~Manya Age 9~

I ran down the halls so that dad wouldn't know it was me who broke the plate. I mean I more of dropped it, but I know Dad has a bad temper. I turned a corner a little too fast and slipped. I sat up but before I could try to get away like nothing happened, Wanda found me sitting there with a small tear on my cheek.

" Is everything ok Manya? You seem hurt?" Wanda asked. Her voice always soothes me. I got up and hugged her waist before letting out a few more tears. Dad always says that I have fighters blood so I have to be strong and get up whenever I fall, but it's nice to have Wanda comfort me some time. She holds my hand as we walk back to the kitchen. I noticed that Phoenix was in there cleaning up my plate. "Phoenix, did you drop this? Just know that you're not in trouble if we don't tell Tony." He looked up at Wanda and gave a small nod. As he was throwing away the pieces he accidentally cut a bit of his hand, just enough to draw blood.

Wanda let out a small sight and walked over to the bathroom to get some band-aids. " Hey, you know you didn't have to do that? I was going to tell her anyway." He looked up at me only to actually respond. "I couldn't let you get in trouble. You didn't mean it." He then simply washed his hand off and walked off to his room as Wanda came back. "That boy," she muttered.

~Manya Age 11~

I finally convinced Dad to let me have a party for my birthday this year and I really want to go ice skating. Dad said only if everyone got to skate, and well, I really want to watch everyone fall on their butts. So Dad rented out the Rockefeller Center Rink and all the Avengers came.

Everyone was having so much fun despite the falling and sliding. I never thought I would see the day that My Wolf tried to teach Steve to figure skate. Dad just sat there for most of the time making his stabilizers because he kept falling way too much. I was the only one who could skate, only because whenever I had a free day I would come down here and practice. It always came naturally like ballet.

I felt a pair of eyes watching me the whole time. My wolf seemed so lost in thought but still attentive. He was also pretty good but whenever he saw me he would stop. I brushed it off though as him being in awe of my raw talent. Phoenix, on the other hand, seemed terrified of the ice. "Come on big baby. Just get on the ice!" I shouted at him. Slowly he stepped foot onto the ice before gripping the side like he was going to die. I held my hand out so that he could balance just a bit more before we took off.

As I raced around the rink, he never let go of my hand. Apparently, he couldn't handle my need for speed. I turned the corner fast and he finally slipped, sliding back to the wall on his butt. I come to a slow halt while trying to hold in my laughter. "What? Too fast?" I slyly chuckle. He stood and while off his pants. "As if," he retorted before slowly beginning to skate. "I'm not as bad as you think."


I Don't know why these are such important things but I always think of them whenever I'm scared because they make me think of happier times. Times when I wasn't scared that my best friend would hurt me. Times when I wasn't told that I might have to fight for my life soon. Times when we were all happy and no one would have to fight on their own. Times when we were a happy family and were safe.

I always know that there is something that will challenge us but I never thought it would be one of us. I never thought it would be my best friend, my only friend. I never thought I would be this scared. I never thought I would be questioning what my Dad told me. I never thought I would question the truth I was told.

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