Chapter 1

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           Beep!Beep!Beep!  You slowly open your tried and sleepy eyes and look at your alarm clock that woke you up. You always hated alarm clocks, you just wanted to throw them against the wall to make them shut up.  You look at the time. It's 7:00 shit! I'm going to be late for my first day of school! You quickly get up and run to the bathroom grabbing an outfit. (Your outfit is up there) You quickly take a shower and brush your teeth. You put your hair up in a hurry and run downstairs. Your mother was sitting down watching the news drinking coffee "Better hurry of you'll be late!" You mother said while smiling. You kiss your mothers cheek and run out the door. "Bye mom, love you!" You run out the door and run to school. As your running, you were so lost in your thought on how your first day will go you run into a stiff figure and fall down. You quickly got u on apologized. "So sorry I'm in a rush. See you later!" After that, you continue running not even seeing the persons face. Wow, she must be new. This should be exciting for the guys to hear. She's kind of cute too. I hope I have her in my class. What are you thinking you just met her!? You don't even know her name. The boy scolded himself but then quickly continued on to school.


   You reach the school gates just in time and run in the building. The halls were flooded with students. You manage to squeeze through the wave of students and started to walk to your homeroom. You walk around forever but to no avail, you found nothing. That is until you saw a teacher. your run up to the teacher and ask, "Do you know where room, A1 is?" The teacher looked at you for a second then quickly replied. "Oh, yes I'm the homeroom teacher you must be the new student. Follow me I'll show you." You quickly follow the teacher and as your walking, you tried to remember everything so you can understand the place better. Soon enough you reach room A1. You were going to walk in but the teacher stopped you. "Stay out here for now." You internally sighed because he was the kind of teacher that made you stand up in front of the class and introduce your self. you weren't all that friendly and didn't feel like doing this.

      "Ok class, we have a new student joining us today. Please come in and say something about your self." You walk in the room with a bored expression on your face and stood there. "Hey, I'm (y/n). I hope no one annoys me for there sake and mine." You stood there with a blank expression on your face. You were unreadable. "Um ok then, Does anybody have any questions for her?" You looked at the teacher clearly annoyed and then back at the class. Of course, multiple students raised there hand I'm mean you're the new girl after all. "Oh looks like your going to be answering some questions. Okay um, how about you K-Kaita." 

      (that's Kaita)

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      (that's Kaita)

- Be my girlfriend.



  -Because I don't know you.


  -So nothing. I said no.

   - But, aren't I hot.

   -Not really no. You kinda look like a dick.

   Everyone in the class looked shocked. Even the teacher did. "Okay um, miss (L/N) please take any available seat." You walk to the back row and sit in the ONLY available seat which was of course by Kaita. You sit down annoyed and look forward. The teacher started the lesson and you paid close attention and started taking down notes. You soon realized that you have already learned this a while ago so you stopped taking notes and started to look out the window. You started to think about this morning with that person I wonder what they look like I never even got a chance to see their face of catch there name I wonder... You soon got snapped out of your thoughts when the teacher called your name. "Miss (L/N), Since you aren't paying attention that means you know this already, correct?" You stared at him blankly. "Ya, actually I do." The teacher was taken aback by this then smirked. "Okay then We haven't rehearsed this kind of problem with this subject and it's far too superior so if you already know this solve this problem." The teacher then started to write down a very complex problem to all the other students but to you it was children play. You soon recognized the problem and answered it before he even finished writing the problem down. "The answer is 139." You stared at him blankly. "How did you- " The teacher was going to ask an obvious question so you cut him off already knowing what he was going to ask. "I don't think you know what school I went to before this so I'll go ahead and tell you. I went to Hajinfu Acadamy. I was the top student out of the whole school. You should know from my name (Full name). Ring any bells." The teacher turned wide-eyed and stared at you astonished. (I'll tell you about Hajinfu Acadamy. So basically that was the school were only pure geniuses would go. It was only located back in your hometown but you had to move so you couldn't attend anymore. Your welcome. :) P.S I made the school up so please don't look it up. ) The teacher looked back in his mind trying to remember but the soon remembered you. He looked down and even apologized! All the students looked at you in awe but there was one particular student that wasn't looking at her in awe but looking at her with interest and curiosity. "Smart and beautiful I see. Just what I like." Kaita said smirking. You, on the other hand, look so pissed you could rip somebody's head off. "Keep dreaming." Soon after that the bell rang signaling you to go to your next period. You quickly got up, gathered your stuff, and left. You soon reach your next class and opened the door to reveal many students in there. "Go ahead and take a seat by Saki." You followed where she was pointing and walked towards the empty set next to a girl with a greenish sweater on and short blue hair. She also had beautiful blue eyes that went along with her hair.

 She also had beautiful blue eyes that went along with her hair

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(Sorry for the pic being so large.) She smiled at you warmly so you did the same. "Hello I-I'm Saki. You must be (Y/N) correct. Everyone from class A1 was t-talking about you saying how smart y-you are." The girl looks nerves and was quite shy but you liked it. "That's correct. It's a pleasure to meet you Saki. I hope we can be good friends." You smiled at her warmly. She smiled back and nodded her head. 

     Time Skip

   The period was about to end dismissing you to lunch. "H-hey. would you like to eat w-with me and my friends at lunch?" You perked up at this. Usually, you would sit alone because you didn't have many friends. "That would be awesome!" You smile widely and not long after the bell rang. You and Saki get up and pack up your things and head towards the lunch room.     I wonder what her friends are like. I can't wait!

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