erroberry idea hot for the taking.

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ok but really i have two lovely errorbery/erromare book ideas, the second one could be made into errormare or errobery hence the slash.

here we go

idea numero uno,  its a modern au with all of the aus kinda balled into one universe like nerd and jock au. error, Geno and fresh are bros and blue just has his bro and some close friends that are like family and they had not met yet. sadly error and blue are both the littlest (in terms of age and size) of their respective families and always are being babied in one way or another. blue getting babied for being small and thought to be weak in more physical areas while error is being babied because of his weakness in social situations. both of them want to go to college and live by themselves but the fam just ain't having it, its too dangerous they said. error could get overwhelmed and emotionally damaged and blue could get physically damaged. but one day they both get a letter from an esteemed university who takes in humans and monsters and really strive for the best and most unique. they had seen some of errors outfits in his online store as well as blues training videos online and offered them an invitation to go there school. and they both do something real stupid, they excespt but cover it up as a trip to a friends house for their bros. SO they skidattle of to college without permission and just enough money to last at least the first year or so, and still eat. both of them are so proud of themselves like lol i got this ma be living in my own dorm room by my self i dont need anyone. BUT THE OBVIOUS PLOT TWIST  they end up rooming together and kinda hate it but then u know they bond and as they fall more in love the situation with their bros gets worse as those dang nosey brothers get more and more suspicious. will blue and error make it through college get married and run away? will their brothers find the truth and hunt them down? will everyone come to their senses?????

please, someone, write this u have full permission i will even draw a cover(maybe)


(also i have a heck ton more ideas so if any yall need some ill hook u up fam)

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