tinker hearts

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hey guys this is a new story of mine. please tell me if you like it or want me to update. thanks!


beep...... beep...... beep........ I sit there watching my sister Jules sleeping on the ER bed. this is the fourth time we were in here because of my sister's heart failure. beep...... beep....... beep........ she had a heart defect when she was 6 causing her to get a transplant for a new plastic heart. her body doesn't like the new heart and my mom can't afford the medicine to keep that from happening because she can only rake in enough money for the surgery that Jules has every month. beep........ beep...... beep........ I look over to my mom. she's crying because she can barely afford this month. looking at my mom with red, puffy eyes makes me get tears in my eyes. I look away. my phone buzzes and I look at it.

dad: hey Jules

me: hi

dad: how is it going?

me: not so well

dad: what do you mean?

me: oh..... I thought you meant how I was doing. but the surgery is going pretty well

dad: that's good

I don't say anything else and neither does he. I put my phone away and look up to see a doctor walking in. " uh, Jules?" he asks. "yes?" I replied. "there is a man named....... Mark Peterson outside for you." he looks at me while I get up and out of the room. before I exit, I say to them, "goodnight guys. I love you"

I walk to the main lobby to see Mark, my friend waiting for me. I wave hi and smile. he does the same. "hey Jules," he says. "where do you want to go? your house or mine?" I think for a moment and finally say," your house. it has video games and it looks way cooler than my house." he laughs, " it does? well anyway, let's go."

we are driving down when he asks," do you like anyone?" I blush. "what do you mean?" "oh come on. you know what I mean." this conversation goes on until I finally say, "dude, come on. you know I don't like anyone." he sighs. "I tried." we finally make it to his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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