Research For My Life

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"Is Quinnia really my middle name?" I asked

Hailey's POV

I finally asked the question, the one question, that can make or break my family.

"Mija, why would you even ask that question?" Dad said

"Well, Bat told me that the Q in my name is something very special and it is my birth parents last name." I said

"Honey, what ever the Bat told you, don't listen to him! He is a very smart man but he dosen't know everything." She said

I nodded

"Ok let's go home. You need to rest." Dad said

Skip to home

I couldn't get what Batman said to me out of my head. Do my birth parents really have a bad past? Dose the Bat really know them like he said he did? I have to research.

"Ok! How should it be worded?" I asked myself

After spending what seems like an hour finding a right way to word what I'm trying to say I typed it in and I'm shocked at what I found.

"Oh My God! Harley Quinn is the only villain that has a last name simliar to my name! Is Harley and The Joker my parents?!" I said practally yelling

This explains why I am crazy, this explains why I have the sudden crazy out brakes. I am the long lost daughter of Harley and The Joker. I have to find them.

"Mama, can I go out to get some milkshakes?" I asked

"Sure hun, but keep your phone on please." Mom said

"Ok. Gracias." I said

I grabbed my bag and left. I quickly ran to a place where no one can see me. I have to try and get Chaos to come out. I have to. I have to think of everything that can at least go near what can make her come out but it dosen't seen to work.

"Come on! Chaos, what the hell!? The one time I need you you don't want to come!" I yelled

"Looks like your having trouble there, kid" I heard a voice behind me

"Who are you?! What do you want!?" I said

"Well non other than Harley herself and let's not forget Mr. J he's some where around the city!" She said

"So your Harley Quinn. The Joker's chick, the insane girl, and my birth mother." I said hesitating at the end

"Your my Hailey? My baby Hailey?" Harley asked

"Ya I'm Hailey Quinn James I guess." I responded

"You look so much like me. What are you doing here it's the middle of the night. Villains are runnin' around here." Harley said

"Villains... like me and you?" I said

"What you mean by you?" She asked

"I turn into a crazy person when I have an episode. She usually causes chaos so her name is Chaos. She is considered as crazy as you and The Joker." I said

"Oh my, well at least you are just like me or even worse. Well Mr. J will be so happy to meet you!" Harley yelled

"Wait I'm meeting my birth father tonight!?" I asked

"Why of course! You need to know where you come from. You can meet others too. We just have to make you look like a villain first let's get you ready!" Harley said

548 words

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