A Voice in the Dark

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—I have seen men become Gods, and I have seen Gods become dust—

Beast I am, young one.Your eyes see these writhing tentacles, floating through the empty curtain. Butare your eyes open? This cold and darkness are my companions. This world is myown. I swim its currents, fly through this ancient, dry air. Can you hear myrumble, SunRider? Can you hear my call? I am here, in the black. My dreams arefull with your face and deeds. Your footsteps change my currents. Your scentlingers with the promise of wars to come. Hero is written in your blood—ormonster. Awaken Metal-Wrist. Come to me, and we shall trade words. Come withinmy twisting grasp so we may bring end to what must be. Find me, SunRider, andlet me tell you the truth of your bracer. Prepare yourself, for I shallextinguish your flame.    

Fury's Gauntlet - Book Two in the SunRider SagaWhere stories live. Discover now