Chapter 19

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Jessica's POV~

When I woke up Cameron was getting dressed. He put his shirt on and saw me awake. "Morning Jess." "Morning Cam." We had a meet up today. We had a week in New York and meet ups on 3 of those days. We were leaving next Monday so we all had a little time on our hands to go explore. We had a meet up today. Wednesday and Friday. "Cam I'm going to lunch with Nash." "Oh ok. I'll probably just stay in here and edit my video." "Ok see ya later Babe." I said giving him a kiss. I headed to Nash's room and knocked. "C'mon Nash. Let's go." I told him as he got his phone. We went to Time Square and got something to eat there. I didn't come back until 3:00 which was plenty of time to get ready. "See ya in a bit Nash." I said. "Ok see ya sis." He said walking into his room. I walked into my room. "Cameron What the hell are you doing?!" I said as he was kissing this random girl. "Jess it's not what it looks like." "Don't say that. Stop lying. I'm taking my suitcases and I'm going over to Nash's room. You can stay here making out with this random chick." "Jess please here me out." "No Cameron. I'm done with this." I said grabbing my suitcases and headed to Nash's room. He opened up. "Cameron was making out with this random girl." I said as he was hugging me. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and stuff.

Cameron's POV~

I had ordered a pizza and a crazy fan delivered it to my room. She came in and pushed me on the bed and kissed me. I wanted to shove her off but I didn't want to because she was a girl. And when I turned away to avoid kissing her she would grab onto my face I just wanted to apologize to Jessica and tell her the truth.

Nash's POV~

I waited for Jess to get out the bathroom so I just went on twitter and Instagram. "Jess what did this girl look like?" "A blonde." "This?!" I said showing her a picture on Instagram. "Yeah that's her. Wait. THATS HER?! Who is that?" Jess said all interested. "She's a crazy fan that goes to Our hotel rooms and gets a picture of kissing each one of them... Which explains Cameron." "Umm. I should probably go." "Yeah." I said. "Wait! You can't go in your towel. Go change!" I said to Jess. She changed in the bathroom and headed out.

Jessica's POV~

I went over to my "room" I knocked on the door and Cameron quickly answered it. "Jess I'm sorry. It wasn't like I was actua-" I interrupted by grabbing his face and kissing him. He pulled me in and slammed the door. He laid on top of me on the bed. Never breaking this kiss. "I'm. Sorry." He said in between kisses. "Me. Too. Now. Kiss. Me." It got intense after a while. We sat up on the bed. "I saw what happened. It was a fan. I understand. I'm sorry." "It's ok Jess. I love you." "Love you too Cam." I said hugging him.

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